Bom o site esta para ler ultimas notícias do fórum, Mais o scrypts foi feito para Fórum IPB,alguem sabe modificar para ler Fórum VB?
echo "  </tr>\r\n</table>\r\n</blockquote>\r\n";
if ( fnoticias == true )
    $cnn_my = new mysql_forum( );
    $cnn_my->connection( );
    echo "<h1>Ultimas noticias do f&oacute;rum</h1>\r\n<blockquote><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\">\r\n\t<tr> \r\n\t\t<td width=\"37%\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><strong>T&iacute;tulo</strong></td>\r\n\t\t<td width=\"22%\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><strong>Postado em</strong></td>\r\n\t\t<td width=\"16%\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><strong>Por</strong></td>\r\n\t\t<td width=\"13%\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><strong>Vizualiza&ccedil;&otilde;es</strong></td>\r\n        <td width=\"12%\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><strong>Coment&aacute;rios</strong></td>\r\n\t</tr>\r\n";
    global $foruns;
    $prefix = prefix;
    $topNoticias = tnoticiasf;
    $trds = "select * from ".$prefix."topics where ";
    $y = 0;
    for ( ; $y < count( $foruns ); ++$y )
        $f = $foruns[$y];
        if ( $y < count( $foruns ) - 1 )
            $trds .= "forum_id='".$f."' or ";
            $trds .= "forum_id='".$f."' ";
    $trds .= "order by start_date desc limit ".$topNoticias;
    $querys = $cnn_my->query( $trds );
    if ( $cnn_my->num( $querys ) < 1 )
        echo "\r\n\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"4\" align=\"center\">N&atilde;o h&aacute; nenhuma not&iacute;cia registrada no f&oacute;rum.</td>\r\n\t\t</tr>";
    $b = 0;
    for ( ; $b < $cnn_my->num( $querys ); ++$b )
        $exibir = $cnn_my->fet_array( $querys );
        $r2 = $cnn_my->fet_array( $cnn_my->query( "select * from ".$prefix."posts, {$prefix}topics where tid = topic_id and topic_id='{$exibir[tid]}' order by post_date desc" ) );
        $comentarios = $cnn_my->fetch( $cnn_my->query( "select count(*) from ".$prefix."posts where topic_id='{$r2[tid]}' and new_topic=0" ) );
        $data = date( "d/m/Y, H:i:s", $r2['post_date'] );
        if ( $b % 2 )
            $cor = "#CCCCCC";
            $cor = "#EAEAEA";
        echo "\r\n\t<tr> \r\n\t\t<td bgcolor=\"";
        echo $cor;
        echo "\">- <a href=\"";
        echo constant( "linkforum" );
        echo "/index.php?showtopic=";
        echo $r2['topic_id'];
        echo "\" target=\"_blank\">";
        echo utf8_encode( $r2['title'] );
        echo "</a></td>\r\n\t  \t<td bgcolor=\"";
        echo $cor;
        echo "\">";
        echo $data;
        echo "</td>\r\n\t  \t<td bgcolor=\"";
        echo $cor;
        echo "\">";
        echo utf8_encode( $r2['starter_name'] );
        echo "</td>\r\n        <td bgcolor=\"";
        echo $cor;
        echo "\">";
        echo $r2['views'];
        echo "</td>\r\n        <td bgcolor=\"";
        echo $cor;
        echo "\">";
        echo $comentarios[0];
        echo "</td>\r\n\t</tr>\r\n";
    echo "\t<tr>\r\n    \t<td colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"";
    echo constant( "linkforum" );
    echo "/index.php?showforum=";
    echo $foruns[0];
    echo "\" target=\"_blank\">Mais...</a></td>\r\n\t</tr>\r\n</table></blockquote>\r\n";
Lembrando que Fórum VB não usa prefix. Já no caso Fórum IPB o padrão é prefix ibf_