Bom to tendo 1 poblema com o CS!
ele fica Tempo Esperado Pàra o Proximo Stagio 00:00:00

As confs ta assim

//Castle Siege Options
CastleSiegeRun                = 1
BlockCastleSiegeMapEnter            = 0
IsDropGemOfDefend            = 1
GemOfDefendDropRate            = 3
GemOfDefendDropLevel            = 75
IsDropSetItemInCastleHuntZone        = 1
SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropRate        = 3
SetItemInCastleHuntZoneDropLevel        = 75
MarkOfTheLord                = 20
CastleCycleStartYear            =2010
CastleCycleStartMonth            =10
CastleCycleStartDay            =3
CastleSpecificState                =1
CastleStateStartYear            =2010
CastleStateStartMonth            =10
CastleStateStartDay            =10
CastleStateStartHour            =16
CastleStateStartMinute            =0

//Castle Settings
1    0    15    0    // Register Period
2    1    23    59    // Idle
3    2    0    0    // Register Mark Of The Lord
4    5    0    0    // Idle
5    5    12    0    // Castle Attack Guild Notification
6    5    19    0    // Ready For Castle Siege
7    6    16    0    // Castle Siege Start
8    6    17    0    // Castle Siege End
9    7    0    0    // End of Cycle
e no SQL, colokei..

    1    3/10/2010    10/10/2010    1    0    1    EQUIPE    3    3    3    300000