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Alpha Servers
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  1. #1

    Avatar de Diel
    Data de Ingresso
    Sep 2009
    Peso da Avaliação

    Padrão Objectstruct GS 1.00.87 "1.00.90"

    struct OBJECTSTRUCT 
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Index;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int Connected;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char LoginMsgSnd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char LoginMsgCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char CloseCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char CloseType;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int bEnableDelCharacter;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct _PER_SOCKET_CONTEXT* PerSocketContext;
      /*<thisrel this+0x14>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned int m_socket;
      /*<thisrel this+0x18>*/ /*|0x10|*/ char Ip_addr[16];
      /*<thisrel this+0x28>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int UserNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int DBNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x30>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char Magumsa;
      /*<thisrel this+0x34>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long AutoSaveTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long ConnectCheckTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CheckTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x40>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char CheckSpeedHack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x44>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CheckTick2;
      /*<thisrel this+0x48>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char CheckTickCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long ukn_4c; 		// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x50>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long SaveTimeForStatics;
      /*<thisrel this+0x54>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iPingTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x58>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_TimeCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x5C>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwPKTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x60>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short CheckSumTableNum;
      /*<thisrel this+0x64>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CheckSumTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x68>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short Type;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char Live;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char CharacterPos;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6C>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char AccountID[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x77>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char Name[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x82>*/ /*|0xe|*/ char LastJoominNumber[14];
      /*<thisrel this+0x90>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char PlusStatQuestClear;
      /*<thisrel this+0x91>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ComboSkillquestClear;
      /*<thisrel this+0x94>*/ /*|0x10|*/ struct ComboSkillData comboSkill;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short Class;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa6>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char DbClass;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa7>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ChangeUP;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ChangeUP2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xaa>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Level;
      /*<thisrel this+0xac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int LevelUpPoint;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFruitPoint;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Experience;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long NextExp;
      /*<thisrel this+0xbc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MLevel;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xc0>*/ /*|0x8|*/ __int64 MLExp;		//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xc8>*/ /*|0x8|*/ __int64 MLNextExp;       //new
      /*<thisrel this+0xd0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MLPoint;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xd4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MLInfoLoad;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xd8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int Money;
      /*<thisrel this+0xdc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Strength;
      /*<thisrel this+0xde>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Dexterity;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Vitality;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Energy;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float Life;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float MaxLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iScriptMaxLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float FillLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float FillLifeMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float Mana;
      /*<thisrel this+0xfc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float MaxMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x100>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short Leadership;
      /*<thisrel this+0x102>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short AddLeadership;
      /*<thisrel this+0x104>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short ChatLitmitTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x106>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ChatLimitTimeSec;
      /*<thisrel this+0x107>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char FillLifeCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x108>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddStrength;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddDexterity;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddVitality;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10e>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddEnergy;
      /*<thisrel this+0x110>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int BP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x114>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MaxBP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x118>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int AddBP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float VitalityToLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0x120>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float EnergyToMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x124>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_PK_Count;
      /*<thisrel this+0x125>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_PK_Level;
      /*<thisrel this+0x128>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_PK_Time;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short X;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12e>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Y;
      /*<thisrel this+0x130>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char Dir;
      /*<thisrel this+0x131>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char MapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x134>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int AddLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0x138>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int AddMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x13c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x140>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iMaxShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x144>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iAddShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x148>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFillShieldMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0x14c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFillShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x150>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFillShieldCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x154>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long dwShieldAutoRefillTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x158>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char DamageMinus;
      /*<thisrel this+0x159>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char DamageReflect;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15A>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MonsterDieGetMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15C>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char MonsterDieGetLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15D>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char MonsterDieGetMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15e>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char StartX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15f>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char StartY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x160>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_OldX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x162>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_OldY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x164>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x166>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x168>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MTX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x16a>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MTY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x16c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PathCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x170>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PathCur;
      /*<thisrel this+0x174>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char PathStartEnd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x176>*/ /*|0x1e|*/ short PathOri[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x194>*/ /*|0x1e|*/ short PathX[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1b2>*/ /*|0x1e|*/ short PathY[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1d0>*/ /*|0xf|*/ char PathDir[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long PathTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_MoveGateNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wRaiseTalismanSaveX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e8>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wRaiseTalismanSaveY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ea>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wRaiseTalismanSaveMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ec>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wTeleportTalismanSaveX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ee>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wTeleportTalismanSaveY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1f0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wTeleportTalismanSaveMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1f4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Authority;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1f8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Penalty;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1fc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_cAccountItemBlock;
      /*<thisrel this+0x200>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct tagActionState m_ActState;
      /*<thisrel this+0x204>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ActionNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x208>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_State;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_StateSub;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_Rest;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20e>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_ViewState;
      // probably a class with array of structs
      // size of struct = 0x14, array size = 0x10
      /*<thisrel this+0x210>*/ /*|0x140|*/ char ukn_210[0x14][0x10]; 	//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x350>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_LastMoveTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x354>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_LastAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x358>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_FriendServerOnline;
      /*<thisrel this+0x35c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_DetectSpeedHackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x360>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_SumLastAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x364>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_DetectCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x368>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_DetectedHackKickCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x36c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SpeedHackPenalty;
      /*<thisrel this+0x370>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_AttackSpeedHackDetectedCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x374>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_PacketCheckTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x378>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ShopTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x37c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_TotalAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x380>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_TotalAttackCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x384>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long TeleportTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x388>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char Teleport;
      /*<thisrel this+0x389>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char KillerType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char DieRegen;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char RegenOk;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char RegenMapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char RegenMapX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38e>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char RegenMapY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x390>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long RegenTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x394>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long MaxRegenTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x398>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_PosNum;
      /*<thisrel this+0x39c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long LifeRefillTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3a0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CurActionTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3a4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long NextActionTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3a8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long DelayActionTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ac>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char DelayLevel;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ad>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_PoisonType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ae>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_IceType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3af>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char ukn_3af;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char ukn_3b0;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b1>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_iMonsterBattleDelay;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b2>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKalimaGateExist;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iKalimaGateIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKalimaGateEnterCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3bc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpAttackObj;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_SkillNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_SkillTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bAttackerKilled;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_ManaFillCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ca>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_LifeFillCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3cc>*/ /*|0x1C|*/ int SelfDefense[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x3e8>*/ /*|0x1C|*/ unsigned long SelfDefenseTime[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x404>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long MySelfDefenseTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x408>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_Drink;
      /*<thisrel this+0x40c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkillAttack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x410>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_SkillAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x414>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PartyNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x418>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PartyTargetUser;
      /*<thisrel this+0x41c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int GuildNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x420>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct _GUILD_INFO_STRUCT* lpGuild;
      /*<thisrel this+0x424>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char GuildName[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x430>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int GuildStatus;
      /*<thisrel this+0x434>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iGuildUnionTimeStamp;
      /*<thisrel this+0x438>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_RecallMon;
      /*<thisrel this+0x43c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Change;
      /*<thisrel this+0x440>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TargetNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x442>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TargetShopNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x444>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short ShopNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x446>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short LastAttackerID;
      /*<thisrel this+0x448>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMin;
      /*<thisrel this+0x44c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0x450>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicDamageMin;
      /*<thisrel this+0x454>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicDamageMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0x458>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageLeft;
      /*<thisrel this+0x45c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageRight;
      /*<thisrel this+0x460>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMaxLeft;
      /*<thisrel this+0x464>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMinLeft;
      /*<thisrel this+0x468>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMaxRight;
      /*<thisrel this+0x46c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMinRight;
      /*<thisrel this+0x470>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackRating;
      /*<thisrel this+0x474>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackSpeed;
      /*<thisrel this+0x478>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicSpeed;
      /*<thisrel this+0x47c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Defense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x480>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicDefense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x484>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SuccessfulBlocking;
      /*<thisrel this+0x488>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_488;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x48c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_48c;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x490>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_490;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x494>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_MoveSpeed;
      /*<thisrel this+0x496>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_MoveRange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x498>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_AttackRange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x49a>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_AttackType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x49c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_ViewRange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x49e>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_Attribute;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_ItemRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_MoneyRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_CriticalDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_ExcelentDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4ac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CMagicInf* m_lpMagicBack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CMagicInf* Magic;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char MagicCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b5>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char UseMagicNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long UseMagicTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4bc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char UseMagicCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4be>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OSAttackSerial;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SASCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long SkillAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c8>*/ /*|0x70|*/ unsigned char NewVar_4c8[0x70]; 	// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x538>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_538; 			// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x53c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short NewVar_53c; 		// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x53e>*/ /*|0x12|*/ unsigned char CharSet[18];
      /*<thisrel this+0x550>*/ /*|0x7|*/ unsigned char m_Resistance[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x557>*/ /*|0x7|*/ unsigned char m_AddResistance[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x560>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int FrustrumX[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x570>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int FrustrumY[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x580>*/ /*|0x384|*/ struct VIEWPORT_STRUCT VpPlayer[75];
      /*<thisrel this+0x904>*/ /*|0x384|*/ struct VIEWPORT_PLAYER_STRUCT VpPlayer2[75];
      /*<thisrel this+0xc88>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int VPCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc8c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int VPCount2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc90>*/ /*|0x1e0|*/ struct HITDAMAGE_STRUCT sHD[40];
      /*<thisrel this+0xe70>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short sHDCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe74>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct tagInterfaceState m_IfState;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe78>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_InterfaceTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe7c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* pInventory;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe80>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* pInventoryMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe84>*/ /*|0x4|*/ char* pInventoryCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe88>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char pTransaction;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe8c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* Inventory1;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe90>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* InventoryMap1;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe94>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char InventoryCount1;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe98>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* Inventory2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe9c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* InventoryMap2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xea0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char InventoryCount2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xea4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* Trade;
      /*<thisrel this+0xea8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* TradeMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int TradeMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeb0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char TradeOk;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeb4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* pWarehouse;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeb8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* pWarehouseMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xebc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char WarehouseCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xebe>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short WarehousePW;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char WarehouseLock;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec1>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char WarehouseUnfailLock;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int WarehouseMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int WarehouseSave;
      /*<thisrel this+0xecc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* pChaosBox;
      /*<thisrel this+0xed0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* pChaosBoxMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xed4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ChaosMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xed8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ChaosSuccessRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0xedc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ChaosLock;
      /*<thisrel this+0xee0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_Option;
      /*<thisrel this+0xee4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_nEventScore;
      /*<thisrel this+0xee8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_nEventExp;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeec>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_nEventMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bDevilSquareIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef1>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bDevilSquareAuth;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef2>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cBloodCastleIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef3>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cBloodCastleSubIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iBloodCastleEXP;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bBloodCastleComplete;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cChaosCastleIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xefa>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cChaosCastleSubIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xefc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iChaosCastleBlowTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf00>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKillUserCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf01>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKillMonsterCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf04>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelUserReserved;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf08>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelUserRequested;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf0c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelUser;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf10>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btDuelScore;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf14>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelTickCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf18>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopOpen;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf19>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopTransaction;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf1a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopItemChange;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf1b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopRedrawAbs;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf1c>*/ /*|0x24|*/ char m_szPShopText[36];
      /*<thisrel this+0xf40>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopWantDeal;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf44>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iPShopDealerIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf48>*/ /*|0xa|*/ char m_szPShopDealerName[10];
      /*<thisrel this+0xf54>*/ /*|0x18|*/ struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION m_critPShopTrade;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf6c>*/ /*|0x12c|*/ int m_iVpPShopPlayer[75];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1098>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short m_wVpPShopPlayerCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x109a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char IsInBattleGround;
      /*<thisrel this+0x109b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char HaveWeaponInHand;
      /*<thisrel this+0x109c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short EventChipCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MutoNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int UseEventServer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char LoadWareHouseInfo;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10ac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iStoneCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10b0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ukn_10b0;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10b4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ukn_10b4;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10b8>*/ /*|0x28|*/ MONSTERKILLINFO m_QuestMonsterKillInfo[5];
      /*<thisrel this+0x10e0>*/ /*|0x32|*/ unsigned char m_Quest[50];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1112>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_SendQuestInfo;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1114>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkyBossMonSheildLinkIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1118>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkyBossMonSheild;
      /*<thisrel this+0x111c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkyBossMonSheildTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1120>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MaxLifePower;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1124>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_PacketChecksumTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1128>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_CheckLifeTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x112c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_MoveOtherServer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x112d>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char BackName[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1138>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_BossGoldDerconMapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1139>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_InWebzen;
      /*<thisrel this+0x113a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_LastTeleportTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x113b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ClientHackLogCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x113c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bIsInMonsterHerd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1140>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bIsMonsterAttackFirst;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1144>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class MonsterHerd* m_lpMonsterHerd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1148>*/ /*|0x2c|*/ char NPggCSAuth[0x2c];//class CCSAuth2 NPggCSAuth;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1174>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bSentGGAuth;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1178>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_NPggCheckSumSendTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x117c>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int fSkillFrustrumX[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x118c>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int fSkillFrustrumY[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x119c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillHellFire2State;
      /*<thisrel this+0x119d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillHellFire2Count;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11a0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long SkillHellFire2Time;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11a4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ReqWarehouseOpen;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11a8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_NotAttackAreaCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ac>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddSkillAttack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ae>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddExDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddExDamageSuccessRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddCriticalDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddCriticalDamageSuccessRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpIncAGValue;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b8>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ba>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddMinAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11bc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddMaxAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11be>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddDefence;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddDefenceRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddMagicPower;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c6>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpIgnoreDefense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c7>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpDoubleDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpTwoHandSwordImproveDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpImproveSuccessAttackRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ca>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpReflectionDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11cb>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpImproveSheldDefence;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11cc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpDecreaseAG;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11cd>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpImproveItemDropRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ce>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char IsFullSetItem;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11d0>*/ /*|0x12c|*/ class TDurMagicKeyChecker DurMagicKeyChecker;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12fc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short SkillRecallParty_Time;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12fe>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillRecallParty_MapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12ff>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillRecallParty_X;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1300>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillRecallParty_Y;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1301>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char bIsChaosMixCompleted;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1302>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillLongSpearChange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1304>*/ /*|0x964|*/ class CSkillDelay SkillDelay;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c68>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iObjectSecTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c6c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bMapSvrMoveQuit;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c6d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bMapSvrMoveReq;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c70>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwMapSvrQuitTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c74>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_sPrevMapSvrCode;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c76>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_sDestMapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c78>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btDestX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c79>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btDestY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c7a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bIsCastleNPCUpgradeCompleted;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c7b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btWeaponState;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c7c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iWeaponUser;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c80>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btKillCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c84>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iAccumulatedDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c88>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iAccumulatedCrownAccessTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c8c>*/ /*|0x50|*/ class TMonsterSkillElementInfo m_MonsterSkillElementInfo;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cdc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Ukn_1cdc;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ce0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iBasicAI;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ce4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iCurrentAI;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ce8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iCurrentAIState;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cec>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iLastAIRunTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cf0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iGroupNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cf4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSubGroupNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cf8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iGroupMemberGuid;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cfc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iRegenType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1d00>*/ /*|0x324|*/ class TMonsterAIAgro m_Agro;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2024>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iLastAutomataRuntime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2028>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iLastAutomataDelay;
      /*<thisrel this+0x202c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iCrywolfMVPScore;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2030>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iPCRoom;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2034>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwLastCheckTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2038>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iAutoRecuperationTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x203c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillDistanceErrorCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2040>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwSkillDistanceErrorTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2044>*/ /*|0x26|*/ struct JEWELOFHARMONY_ITEM_EFFECT m_JewelOfHarmonyEffect;
      /*<thisrel this+0x206a>*/ /*|0x10|*/ struct ITEMOPTION_FOR380ITEM_EFFECT m_ItemOptionExFor380;
      /*<thisrel this+0x207c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bKanturuEntranceByNPC;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2080>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short m_wItemEffectType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2084>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iItemEffectValidTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2088>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short m_wCashPoint;
      /*<thisrel this+0x208C>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bIsPcBangPoint;
      int ukn[0x65]; // may be later

  2. #2

    Avatar de diguinho
    Data de Ingresso
    Oct 2009
    Peso da Avaliação


    Só um aviso aos coders que por ventura usem essa struct.

    Existem falhas nela, andei decompilando muitas funções desse novo gameserver e comecei a usar essa struct como base, creio que tem de 15 a 20 variáveis fora de lugar e algumas que não foram declaradas.

    Abraços a todos.

  3. #3

    Avatar de dgbmariano
    Data de Ingresso
    Sep 2009
    Peso da Avaliação


    Aqui esta um completo que funciona sem erro:

    struct ComboSkillData 
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long dwTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x6|*/ unsigned short Skill[3];
      /*<thisrel this+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ProgressIndex;
    //  void __thiscall ComboSkillData::Init();
    // <size 0x10>
    class CObjBaseAttack 
      //int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::DecreaseArrow(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj);
      //int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::CheckAttackArea(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpTargetObj);
      //int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::PkCheck(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpTargetObj);
      //int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::ResistanceCheck(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpTargetObj, /*<regrel ebp+0x10>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int skill);
      //int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::MissCheckPvP(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpTargetObj, /*<regrel ebp+0x10>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int skill, /*<regrel ebp+0x14>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int skillSuccess, /*<regrel ebp+0x18>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int magicsend, /*<regrel ebp+0x1c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int& bAllMiss);
      //int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::GetTargetDefense(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpTargetObj, /*<regrel ebp+0x10>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char& MsgDamage);
      //int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::GetPartyMemberCount(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj);
      // virtual functions ------------------------------
    	virtual ~CObjBaseAttack(){};
    //  virtual /*<vtableoff 0x4>*/ int __thiscall CObjBaseAttack::MissCheck(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpTargetObj, /*<regrel ebp+0x10>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int skill, /*<regrel ebp+0x14>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int skillSuccess, /*<regrel ebp+0x18>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int magicsend, /*<regrel ebp+0x1c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int& bAllMiss);
    // <size 0x4>
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char state;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short number;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char type;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short index;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int dis;
    // <size 0xc>
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char state;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short number;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char type;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short index;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int dis;
    // <size 0xc>
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short number;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int HitDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long LastHitTime;
    // <size 0xc>
    struct tagInterfaceState 
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long use:2;
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long state:4;
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long type:0xA;
    // <size 0x4>
    struct tagActionState 
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Rest:1;
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Attack:1;
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Move:1;
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Escape:1;
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Emotion:4;
      /*<bitfield this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long EmotionCount:8;
    // <size 0x4>
    class TDurMagicKeyChecker 
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0xf0|*/ unsigned long m_dwDurationTime[60];
      /*<thisrel this+0xf0>*/ /*|0x3c|*/ unsigned char m_btValidCount[60];
      //int __thiscall TDurMagicKeyChecker::IsValidDurationTime(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char btMagicKey);
      //int __thiscall TDurMagicKeyChecker::IsValidCount(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char btMagicKey);
      //void __thiscall TDurMagicKeyChecker::SetDurationTime(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char btMagicKey, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long dwCurrentTickCount);
      //unsigned char __thiscall DecValidCount(unsigned char);
      //int __thiscall TDurMagicKeyChecker::GetValidDurationTime(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char btMagicKey);
      //int __thiscall TDurMagicKeyChecker::GetValidCount(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char btMagicKey);
    // <size 0x12c>
    class CSkillDelay 
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x400|*/ unsigned long LastSkillUseTime[600];
      //void __thiscall CSkillDelay(class CSkillDelay&);
      //void __thiscall CSkillDelay::Init();
      //int __thiscall CSkillDelay::Check(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char skill);
      //class CSkillDelay& __thiscall operator=(class CSkillDelay&);
      //void __thiscall __local_vftable_ctor_closure();
      //// virtual functions ------------------------------
      virtual ~CSkillDelay(){};
      //virtual /*<vtableoff 0x0>*/ void* __thiscall __vecDelDtor(unsigned int);
    // <size 0x404>
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpAddAttackSuccessRatePVP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpAddDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpAddDefenseSuccessRatePvP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpAddDefense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpAddMaxHP;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpAddMaxSD;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpRefillOn;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OpAddRefillSD;
    // <size 0x10>
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddMinAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddMaxAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpRequireStr;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpRequireDex;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddCriticalDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddSkillAttack;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddAttackSuccessRatePVP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpDecreaseSDRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddIgnoreSDRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x14>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddMagicPower;
      /*<thisrel this+0x16>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddDefense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x18>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddMaxAG;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1a>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddMaxHP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddRefillHP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddRefillMP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddDefenseSuccessRatePvP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x22>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddDamageDecrease;
      /*<thisrel this+0x24>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short HJOpAddSDRate;
    // <size 0x26>
    class TMonsterAIAgroInfo 
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iUserIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iAgroValue;
      //void __thiscall TMonsterAIAgroInfo::TMonsterAIAgroInfo();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterAIAgroInfo::Reset();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgroInfo::GetUserIndex();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgroInfo::GetAgroValue();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterAIAgroInfo::SetAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iTargetIndex, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iValue);
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgroInfo::IncAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iIncValue);
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgroInfo::DecAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iDecValue);
    // <size 0x8>
    class TMonsterAIAgro 
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x320|*/ class TMonsterAIAgroInfo m_Agro[100];
      //void __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro(class TMonsterAIAgro&);
      //void __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::ResetAll();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::SetAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iTargetIndex, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iValue);
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::DelAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iTargetIndex);
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::GetAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iTargetIndex);
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::IncAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iTargetIndex, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iIncValue);
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::DecAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iTargetIndex, /*<regrel ebp+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iDecValue);
      //void __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::DecAllAgro(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iDecValue);
      //int __thiscall TMonsterAIAgro::GetMaxAgroUserIndex(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iMonsterIndex);
      //class TMonsterAIAgro& __thiscall operator=(class TMonsterAIAgro&);
      //void __thiscall __local_vftable_ctor_closure();
      virtual ~TMonsterAIAgro(){};
      //virtual /*<vtableoff 0x0>*/ void* __thiscall __vecDelDtor(unsigned int);
    // <size 0x324>
    class TMonsterAIMovePathInfo 
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iMapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iPathX;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iPathY;
    // <size 0x10>
    class TMonsterAIMovePath 
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bDataLoad;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x12c0|*/ class TMonsterAIMovePathInfo m_MovePathInfo[300];
      /*<thisrel this+0x12c8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iMovePathSpotCount;
      virtual ~TMonsterAIMovePath(){};
    // <size 0x12cc>
    class TMonsterSkillElementInfo 
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementDefense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementDefenseTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAttack;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoHP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x14>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoHPCycle;
      /*<thisrel this+0x18>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoHPTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoMP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoMPCycle;
      /*<thisrel this+0x24>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoMPTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x28>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoAG;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoAGCycle;
      /*<thisrel this+0x30>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementAutoAGTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x34>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementImmuneNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementImmuneTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementResistNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x40>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementResistTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x44>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementModifyStat;
      /*<thisrel this+0x48>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementModifyStatType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillElementModifyStatTime;
      //// static functions -------------------------------
      //static void __cdecl TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckSkillElementInfoProc(/*<regrel ebp+0x8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpObj);
      //// non-virtual functions --------------------------
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::Reset();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetDefense();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetAttack();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetAutoHP();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetAutoMP();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetAutoAG();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetImmune();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetResist();
      //void __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::ResetModifyStat();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckDefenseTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckAttackTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckAutoHPTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckAutoMPTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckAutoAGTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckImmuneTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckResistTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::CheckModifyStatTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecDefenseTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecAttackTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecAutoHPTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecAutoMPTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecAutoAGTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecImmuneTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecResistTime();
      //int __thiscall TMonsterSkillElementInfo::DecModifyStatTime();
    // <size 0x50>
    // new
    	int MonIndex;
    	int KillCount;
    struct ObjectStruct
      /*<thisrel this+0x0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Index;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int Connected;
      /*<thisrel this+0x8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char LoginMsgSnd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char LoginMsgCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char CloseCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char CloseType;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int bEnableDelCharacter;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct _PER_SOCKET_CONTEXT* PerSocketContext;
      /*<thisrel this+0x14>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned int m_socket;
      /*<thisrel this+0x18>*/ /*|0x10|*/ char Ip_addr[16];
      /*<thisrel this+0x28>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int UserNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int DBNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x30>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char Magumsa;
      /*<thisrel this+0x34>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long AutoSaveTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long ConnectCheckTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CheckTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x40>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char CheckSpeedHack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x44>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CheckTick2;
      /*<thisrel this+0x48>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char CheckTickCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long ukn_4c; 		// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x50>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long SaveTimeForStatics;
      /*<thisrel this+0x54>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iPingTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x58>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_TimeCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x5C>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwPKTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x60>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short CheckSumTableNum;
      /*<thisrel this+0x64>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CheckSumTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x68>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short Type;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char Live;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char CharacterPos;
      /*<thisrel this+0x6C>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char AccountID[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x77>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char Name[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x82>*/ /*|0xe|*/ char LastJoominNumber[14];
      /*<thisrel this+0x90>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char PlusStatQuestClear;
      /*<thisrel this+0x91>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ComboSkillquestClear;
      /*<thisrel this+0x94>*/ /*|0x10|*/ struct ComboSkillData comboSkill;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short Class;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa6>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char DbClass;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa7>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ChangeUP;
      /*<thisrel this+0xa8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ChangeUP2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xaa>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Level;
      /*<thisrel this+0xac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int LevelUpPoint;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFruitPoint;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Experience;
      /*<thisrel this+0xb8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long NextExp;
      /*<thisrel this+0xbc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MLevel;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xc0>*/ /*|0x8|*/ __int64 MLExp;		//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xc8>*/ /*|0x8|*/ __int64 MLNextExp;       //new
      /*<thisrel this+0xd0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MLPoint;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xd4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MLInfoLoad;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0xd8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int Money;
      /*<thisrel this+0xdc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Strength;
      /*<thisrel this+0xde>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Dexterity;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Vitality;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Energy;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float Life;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float MaxLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iScriptMaxLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float FillLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float FillLifeMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float Mana;
      /*<thisrel this+0xfc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float MaxMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x100>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short Leadership;
      /*<thisrel this+0x102>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short AddLeadership;
      /*<thisrel this+0x104>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short ChatLitmitTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x106>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char ChatLimitTimeSec;
      /*<thisrel this+0x107>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char FillLifeCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x108>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddStrength;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddDexterity;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddVitality;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10e>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short AddEnergy;
      /*<thisrel this+0x110>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int BP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x114>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MaxBP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x118>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int AddBP;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float VitalityToLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0x120>*/ /*|0x4|*/ float EnergyToMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x124>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_PK_Count;
      /*<thisrel this+0x125>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_PK_Level;
      /*<thisrel this+0x128>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_PK_Time;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short X;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12e>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short Y;
      /*<thisrel this+0x130>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char Dir;
      /*<thisrel this+0x131>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char MapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x134>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int AddLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0x138>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int AddMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x13c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x140>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iMaxShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x144>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iAddShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x148>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFillShieldMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0x14c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFillShield;
      /*<thisrel this+0x150>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iFillShieldCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x154>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long dwShieldAutoRefillTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x158>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char DamageMinus;
      /*<thisrel this+0x159>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char DamageReflect;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15A>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MonsterDieGetMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15C>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char MonsterDieGetLife;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15D>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char MonsterDieGetMana;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15e>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char StartX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x15f>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char StartY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x160>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_OldX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x162>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_OldY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x164>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x166>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x168>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MTX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x16a>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short MTY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x16c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PathCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x170>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PathCur;
      /*<thisrel this+0x174>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char PathStartEnd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x176>*/ /*|0x1e|*/ short PathOri[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x194>*/ /*|0x1e|*/ short PathX[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1b2>*/ /*|0x1e|*/ short PathY[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1d0>*/ /*|0xf|*/ char PathDir[15];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long PathTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_MoveGateNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wRaiseTalismanSaveX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1e8>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wRaiseTalismanSaveY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ea>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wRaiseTalismanSaveMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ec>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wTeleportTalismanSaveX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ee>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wTeleportTalismanSaveY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1f0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_wTeleportTalismanSaveMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1f4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Authority;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1f8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long Penalty;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1fc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_cAccountItemBlock;
      /*<thisrel this+0x200>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct tagActionState m_ActState;
      /*<thisrel this+0x204>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ActionNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x208>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_State;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_StateSub;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_Rest;
      /*<thisrel this+0x20e>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_ViewState;
    	// probably a class with array of structs
    	// size of struct = 0x14, array size = 0x10
      /*<thisrel this+0x210>*/ /*|0x140|*/ char ukn_210[0x14][0x10]; 	//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x350>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_LastMoveTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x354>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_LastAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x358>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_FriendServerOnline;
      /*<thisrel this+0x35c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_DetectSpeedHackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x360>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_SumLastAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x364>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_DetectCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x368>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_DetectedHackKickCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x36c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SpeedHackPenalty;
      /*<thisrel this+0x370>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_AttackSpeedHackDetectedCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x374>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_PacketCheckTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x378>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ShopTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x37c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_TotalAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x380>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_TotalAttackCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x384>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long TeleportTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x388>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char Teleport;
      /*<thisrel this+0x389>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char KillerType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char DieRegen;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char RegenOk;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char RegenMapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char RegenMapX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x38e>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char RegenMapY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x390>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long RegenTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x394>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long MaxRegenTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x398>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_PosNum;
      /*<thisrel this+0x39c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long LifeRefillTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3a0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long CurActionTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3a4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long NextActionTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3a8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long DelayActionTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ac>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char DelayLevel;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ad>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_PoisonType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ae>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_IceType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3af>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char ukn_3af;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char ukn_3b0;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b1>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_iMonsterBattleDelay;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b2>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKalimaGateExist;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iKalimaGateIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3b8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKalimaGateEnterCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3bc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct OBJECTSTRUCT* lpAttackObj;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_SkillNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_SkillTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bAttackerKilled;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3c9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_ManaFillCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3ca>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_LifeFillCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x3cc>*/ /*|0x1C|*/ int SelfDefense[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x3e8>*/ /*|0x1C|*/ unsigned long SelfDefenseTime[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x404>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long MySelfDefenseTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x408>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_Drink;
      /*<thisrel this+0x40c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkillAttack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x410>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_SkillAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x414>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PartyNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x418>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int PartyTargetUser;
      /*<thisrel this+0x41c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int GuildNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x420>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct _GUILD_INFO_STRUCT* lpGuild;
      /*<thisrel this+0x424>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char GuildName[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x430>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int GuildStatus;
      /*<thisrel this+0x434>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iGuildUnionTimeStamp;
      /*<thisrel this+0x438>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_RecallMon;
      /*<thisrel this+0x43c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Change;
      /*<thisrel this+0x440>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TargetNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x442>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short TargetShopNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x444>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short ShopNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x446>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short LastAttackerID;
      /*<thisrel this+0x448>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMin;
      /*<thisrel this+0x44c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0x450>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicDamageMin;
      /*<thisrel this+0x454>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicDamageMax;
      /*<thisrel this+0x458>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageLeft;
      /*<thisrel this+0x45c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageRight;
      /*<thisrel this+0x460>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMaxLeft;
      /*<thisrel this+0x464>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMinLeft;
      /*<thisrel this+0x468>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMaxRight;
      /*<thisrel this+0x46c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackDamageMinRight;
      /*<thisrel this+0x470>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackRating;
      /*<thisrel this+0x474>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_AttackSpeed;
      /*<thisrel this+0x478>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicSpeed;
      /*<thisrel this+0x47c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Defense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x480>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MagicDefense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x484>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SuccessfulBlocking;
      /*<thisrel this+0x488>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_488;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x48c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_48c;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x490>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_490;			//new
      /*<thisrel this+0x494>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_MoveSpeed;
      /*<thisrel this+0x496>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_MoveRange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x498>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_AttackRange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x49a>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_AttackType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x49c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_ViewRange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x49e>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_Attribute;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_ItemRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_MoneyRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_CriticalDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4a8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_ExcelentDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4ac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CMagicInf* m_lpMagicBack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CMagicInf* Magic;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char MagicCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b5>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char UseMagicNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4b8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long UseMagicTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4bc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char UseMagicCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4be>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short OSAttackSerial;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SASCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long SkillAttackTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x4c8>*/ /*|0x70|*/ unsigned char NewVar_4c8[0x70]; 	// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x538>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int NewVar_538; 			// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x53c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short NewVar_53c; 		// new
      /*<thisrel this+0x53e>*/ /*|0x12|*/ unsigned char CharSet[18];
      /*<thisrel this+0x550>*/ /*|0x7|*/ unsigned char m_Resistance[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x557>*/ /*|0x7|*/ unsigned char m_AddResistance[7];
      /*<thisrel this+0x560>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int FrustrumX[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x570>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int FrustrumY[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x580>*/ /*|0x384|*/ struct VIEWPORT_STRUCT VpPlayer[75];
      /*<thisrel this+0x904>*/ /*|0x384|*/ struct VIEWPORT_PLAYER_STRUCT VpPlayer2[75];
      /*<thisrel this+0xc88>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int VPCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc8c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int VPCount2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xc90>*/ /*|0x1e0|*/ struct HITDAMAGE_STRUCT sHD[40];
      /*<thisrel this+0xe70>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short sHDCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe74>*/ /*|0x4|*/ struct tagInterfaceState m_IfState;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe78>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_InterfaceTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe7c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* pInventory;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe80>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* pInventoryMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe84>*/ /*|0x4|*/ char* pInventoryCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe88>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char pTransaction;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe8c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* Inventory1;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe90>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* InventoryMap1;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe94>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char InventoryCount1;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe98>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* Inventory2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xe9c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* InventoryMap2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xea0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char InventoryCount2;
      /*<thisrel this+0xea4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* Trade;
      /*<thisrel this+0xea8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* TradeMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int TradeMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeb0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char TradeOk;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeb4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* pWarehouse;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeb8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* pWarehouseMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xebc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char WarehouseCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xebe>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short WarehousePW;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char WarehouseLock;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec1>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char WarehouseUnfailLock;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int WarehouseMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xec8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int WarehouseSave;
      /*<thisrel this+0xecc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class CItem* pChaosBox;
      /*<thisrel this+0xed0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned char* pChaosBoxMap;
      /*<thisrel this+0xed4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ChaosMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xed8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ChaosSuccessRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0xedc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ChaosLock;
      /*<thisrel this+0xee0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_Option;
      /*<thisrel this+0xee4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_nEventScore;
      /*<thisrel this+0xee8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_nEventExp;
      /*<thisrel this+0xeec>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_nEventMoney;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef0>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bDevilSquareIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef1>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bDevilSquareAuth;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef2>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cBloodCastleIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef3>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cBloodCastleSubIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iBloodCastleEXP;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bBloodCastleComplete;
      /*<thisrel this+0xef9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cChaosCastleIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xefa>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cChaosCastleSubIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xefc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iChaosCastleBlowTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf00>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKillUserCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf01>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_cKillMonsterCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf04>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelUserReserved;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf08>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelUserRequested;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf0c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelUser;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf10>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btDuelScore;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf14>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iDuelTickCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf18>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopOpen;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf19>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopTransaction;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf1a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopItemChange;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf1b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopRedrawAbs;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf1c>*/ /*|0x24|*/ char m_szPShopText[36];
      /*<thisrel this+0xf40>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bPShopWantDeal;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf44>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iPShopDealerIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf48>*/ /*|0xa|*/ char m_szPShopDealerName[10];
      /*<thisrel this+0xf54>*/ /*|0x18|*/ struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION m_critPShopTrade;
      /*<thisrel this+0xf6c>*/ /*|0x12c|*/ int m_iVpPShopPlayer[75];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1098>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short m_wVpPShopPlayerCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x109a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char IsInBattleGround;
      /*<thisrel this+0x109b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char HaveWeaponInHand;
      /*<thisrel this+0x109c>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short EventChipCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int MutoNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int UseEventServer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10a8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char LoadWareHouseInfo;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10ac>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iStoneCount;
    	// quest related data NEW
      /*<thisrel this+0x10b0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ukn_10b0;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10b4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int ukn_10b4;
      /*<thisrel this+0x10b8>*/ /*|0x28|*/ MONSTERKILLINFO m_QuestMonsterKillInfo[5];
      /*<thisrel this+0x10e0>*/ /*|0x32|*/ unsigned char m_Quest[50];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1112>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_SendQuestInfo;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1114>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkyBossMonSheildLinkIndex;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1118>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkyBossMonSheild;
      /*<thisrel this+0x111c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_SkyBossMonSheildTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1120>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_MaxLifePower;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1124>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_PacketChecksumTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1128>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_CheckLifeTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x112c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_MoveOtherServer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x112d>*/ /*|0xb|*/ char BackName[11];
      /*<thisrel this+0x1138>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_BossGoldDerconMapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1139>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_InWebzen;
      /*<thisrel this+0x113a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ char m_LastTeleportTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x113b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ClientHackLogCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x113c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bIsInMonsterHerd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1140>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bIsMonsterAttackFirst;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1144>*/ /*|0x4|*/ class MonsterHerd* m_lpMonsterHerd;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1148>*/ /*|0x2c|*/ char NPggCSAuth[0x2c];//class CCSAuth2 NPggCSAuth;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1174>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bSentGGAuth;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1178>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_NPggCheckSumSendTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x117c>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int fSkillFrustrumX[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x118c>*/ /*|0x10|*/ int fSkillFrustrumY[4];
      /*<thisrel this+0x119c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillHellFire2State;
      /*<thisrel this+0x119d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillHellFire2Count;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11a0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long SkillHellFire2Time;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11a4>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_ReqWarehouseOpen;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11a8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_NotAttackAreaCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ac>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddSkillAttack;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ae>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddExDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddExDamageSuccessRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddCriticalDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddCriticalDamageSuccessRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b6>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpIncAGValue;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11b8>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ba>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddMinAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11bc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddMaxAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11be>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddAttackDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c0>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddDefence;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c2>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddDefenceRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c4>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short SetOpAddMagicPower;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c6>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpIgnoreDefense;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c7>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpDoubleDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c8>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpTwoHandSwordImproveDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11c9>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpImproveSuccessAttackRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ca>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpReflectionDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11cb>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpImproveSheldDefence;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11cc>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpDecreaseAG;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11cd>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SetOpImproveItemDropRate;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11ce>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char IsFullSetItem;
      /*<thisrel this+0x11d0>*/ /*|0x12c|*/ class TDurMagicKeyChecker DurMagicKeyChecker;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12fc>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short SkillRecallParty_Time;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12fe>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillRecallParty_MapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x12ff>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillRecallParty_X;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1300>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillRecallParty_Y;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1301>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char bIsChaosMixCompleted;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1302>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char SkillLongSpearChange;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1304>*/ /*|0x964|*/ class CSkillDelay SkillDelay;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c68>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int iObjectSecTimer;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c6c>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bMapSvrMoveQuit;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c6d>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bMapSvrMoveReq;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c70>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwMapSvrQuitTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c74>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_sPrevMapSvrCode;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c76>*/ /*|0x2|*/ short m_sDestMapNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c78>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btDestX;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c79>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btDestY;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c7a>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_bIsCastleNPCUpgradeCompleted;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c7b>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btWeaponState;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c7c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iWeaponUser;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c80>*/ /*|0x1|*/ unsigned char m_btKillCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c84>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iAccumulatedDamage;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c88>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iAccumulatedCrownAccessTime;
    #ifdef GS_CS
      BYTE ukn_1c8c;
      BYTE ukn_1c8d;
      BYTE ukn_1c8e;
      BYTE ukn_1c8f;
      BYTE ukn_1c90;
      int ukn_1c94;
      int ukn_1c98;
      int ukn_1c9c;
      int ukn_1ca0;
      int ukn_1ca4;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1c8c>*/ /*|0x50|*/ class TMonsterSkillElementInfo m_MonsterSkillElementInfo;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cdc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_Ukn_1cdc;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ce0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iBasicAI;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ce4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iCurrentAI;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1ce8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iCurrentAIState;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cec>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iLastAIRunTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cf0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iGroupNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cf4>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSubGroupNumber;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cf8>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iGroupMemberGuid;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1cfc>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iRegenType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x1d00>*/ /*|0x324|*/ class TMonsterAIAgro m_Agro;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2024>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iLastAutomataRuntime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2028>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iLastAutomataDelay;
      /*<thisrel this+0x202c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iCrywolfMVPScore;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2030>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iPCRoom;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2034>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwLastCheckTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2038>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iAutoRecuperationTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x203c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iSkillDistanceErrorCount;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2040>*/ /*|0x4|*/ unsigned long m_dwSkillDistanceErrorTick;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2044>*/ /*|0x26|*/ struct JEWELOFHARMONY_ITEM_EFFECT m_JewelOfHarmonyEffect;
      /*<thisrel this+0x206a>*/ /*|0x10|*/ struct ITEMOPTION_FOR380ITEM_EFFECT m_ItemOptionExFor380;
    //#ifndef GS_CS
    //  /*<thisrel this+0x207c>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bKanturuEntranceByNPC;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2080>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short m_wItemEffectType;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2084>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iItemEffectValidTime;
      /*<thisrel this+0x2088>*/ /*|0x2|*/ unsigned short m_wCashPoint;
      /*<thisrel this+0x208C>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_bIsPcBangPoint;
    //  /*<thisrel this+0x20f0>*/ /*|0x4|*/ int m_iPeriodItemEffectIndex;
    	int ukn[0x65]; // may be later
    // <size 0x2228>



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