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Alpha Servers
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  1. #11

    Avatar de lucasbzs
    Data de Ingresso
    Aug 2012
    Peso da Avaliação



    Já Mandei uma Mensagem Pelo Skype.

    Lucas Mendes.

  2. #12

    Avatar de hydragames
    Data de Ingresso
    Feb 2013
    Peso da Avaliação


    99B , totalmente diferente de 99Z - Algums GS 9.99.28 , Possuem DL , e itens anciantes , outros Não , agora 99z e 1.0 continua sendo a mesma coisa , so acho que para evitar + floods e discursão poderiam fechar o topico.
    [CENTER]New world order!

  3. #13

    Avatar de lucasbzs
    Data de Ingresso
    Aug 2012
    Peso da Avaliação



    Antes é Hoje em Dia ainda Tem Amigo, Basta Procurar que Você Acha.

    Lucas Mendes.

  4. #14

    Avatar de muonline3
    Data de Ingresso
    Apr 2015
    Peso da Avaliação


    Podem fechar o topico

    att xereca

  5. #15

    Avatar de Renato
    Data de Ingresso
    Nov 2010
    Peso da Avaliação


    O pedido do autor ainda não foi atendido, portanto não há porque fechar o tópico. Quanto à discussão de 1.0 é igual a 99z, isso é assunto para outro tópico.
    Código PHP:
    if(Weather::getState() == 'Rainy weather') {

  6. #16

    Avatar de hadeslan
    Data de Ingresso
    Oct 2010
    Nada a dizer no moumento
    Peso da Avaliação


    free a unica que tem ea da project team fora isso so premium com algun coder que venda
    99b que não tem siege tanto e que o project team pega no cliente do mu total e do mu dd meu caro

  7. #17

    Avatar de LaBaK
    Data de Ingresso
    Mar 2011
    Escondido em Lorencia ;H
    Peso da Avaliação


    O Maykon, ele ta trabalhando em uma 1.0M se informa direitinho com ele lá.

  8. #18

    Avatar de [ADM]Lp
    Data de Ingresso
    Sep 2011
    Peso da Avaliação

    Red face


    Tenho este MS 1.0M/N, tem umas funções bem legais. Testei algumas coisas, revisei outras, mais é bom você rever tudinho.
    Ele não aceita testes com IP Local, so no servidor ou com HAMACHI.
    Acredito que não exista outro GS Free com essas características.

    Bom proveito, e espero que ajude.

    //	Relátorio dos testes com o Mu Server 1.00N/M 
    // 	22/02/2015 - Ínicio dos testes	//
    	- Funções Testadas e Aprovadas -
    	1. Lahap (Mixagem e Desmixagem de Joias) OK.
    	2. Criação e Destruição de Guild OK.
    	3. Criação de Guilds com Caractere especial bloqueado OK.
    	4. Buff da  Elf Soldier OK.
    	5. Personal Store OK.
    	6. Janela de WARP (M) OK.
    	7. Invasão de dourados OK.
    	8. Drop d e Itens das Box OK.
    	9. NPC's OK (Revisar depois)
    	10. Criação de Entradas BC/DEVIL OK.
    	11. Criação de Potion Of Soul e Bless OK.
    	12. Criação de Life Stone OK.
    	13. Criação de DL/MG OK.
    	14. Chaos Castle Dropando Ancient OK.
    	15. Mana Shield do SM OK.
    	16. Criação do Horse/Corvo OK. 
    	17. Invasão do White Wizard & Drop de Wizard Rings OK.
    	18. Drop do Ring of Honor no BC OK.
    	19. Guild War OK.
    	20. Duel OK.
    	21. Portal para Valley OK.
    	22. Mussenger OK.
    	23. Cargos Guild OK.
    	24. Spots OK.
    	25. Marry Comand OK.
    	Modificações no Client 
    	Adicionar Archangel no Blood Castle.
    AttackDamageMin_Bow_StrAgiDiv_Elf = 7
    AttackDamageMax_Bow_StrAgiDiv_Elf = 3
    AttackDamageMin_NoBow_AgiDiv_Elf = 7
    AttackDamageMin_NoBow_StrDiv_Elf = 14
    AttackDamageMax_NoBow_AgiDiv_Elf = 3
    AttackDamageMax_NoBow_StrDiv_Elf = 7
    AttackDamageMin_AgiStrDiv_Elf = 7
    AttackDamageMax_AgiStrDiv_Elf = 3
    AttackDamageMin_StrDiv_DK = 6
    AttackDamageMax_StrDiv_DK = 3
    AttackDamageMin_StrDiv_MG = 6
    AttackDamageMax_StrDiv_MG = 3
    AttackDamageMin_EneDiv_MG = 12
    AttackDamageMax_EneDiv_MG = 7
    AttackDamageMin_StrDiv_DL = 7
    AttackDamageMin_EneDiv_DL = 14
    AttackDamageMax_StrDiv_DL = 5
    AttackDamageMax_EneDiv_DL = 10
    AttackDamageMin_StrDiv_DW = 7
    AttackDamageMax_StrDiv_DW = 3
    AttackSpeed_Elf = 50
    AttackSpeed_DK_MG1 = 15
    AttackSpeed_DK_MG2 = 20
    AttackSpeed_DL = 10
    AttackSpeed_DW1 = 20
    AttackSpeed_DW2 = 10
    SuccessfulBlocking_Elf = 3
    SuccessfulBlocking_DL = 7
    SuccessfulBlocking_DW_DK_MG = 3
    Defense_Elf = 10
    Defense_DK = 3
    Defense_DL = 7
    Defense_DW_MG = 3
    Enable = 1		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1		; Minimum level to use post command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use post command, 0 - all
    Price = 10000000	; Cost usage
    Color = 0		; 0 - normal, 1 - party, 2 - guild, 3 - guild alliance, 4 - dark blue
    SaveLogs = 1		; Save post logs
    Syntax = /post 
    Enable = 1		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1		; Minimum level to use add command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use add command, 0 - all
    Price = 10000000	; Cost usage
    MaxPointsForAdd = 1000	; Max points to be added at once
    MaximumPoints = 32767	; Maximum points
    AddStrSyntax = /addstr 
    AddAgiSyntax = /addagi 
    AddVitSyntax = /addvit 
    AddEneSyntax = /addene 
    AddCmdSyntax = /addcmd 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 350		; Minimum level to use reset command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; Cost usage
    Price = 30000000	; 1 - Only game masters can use reset command, 0 - all
    ResetStats = 1		; 1 - Resets stats, 0 - keep stats
    BonusPoints = 250	; Bonus points for every reset
    BonusCredits = 0 	; Bonus webshop credits for every reset
    ClearInventory = 0	; Clear inventory
    Syntax = /reset
    Enable = 1		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 100		; Minimum level to use pkclear command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use pkclear command, 0 - all
    Price = 100000000	; Cost usage
    Syntax = /pkclear
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1		; Minimum level to use online command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use online command, 0 - all
    Price = 100000		; Cost usage
    Syntax = /online
    Enable = 1		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1		; Minimum level to use time command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use time command, 0 - all
    Price = 0		; Cost usage
    Syntax = /time
    Enable = 0 		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    SaveLogs = 1 		; Save gg logs
    Syntax = /gg 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    SaveLogs = 1 		; Save reload logs
    Syntax = /reload 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    SaveLogs = 1		; Save ban post logs
    Syntax = /banpost 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    SaveLogs = 1		; Save unban post logs
    Syntax = /unbanpost 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1		; Minimum level to use time command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use time command, 0 - all
    Price = 80000000	; Cost usage
    Syntax = /skin 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    SaveLogs = 1		; Save drop logs
    Syntax = /drop 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 1		; Minimum level to use time command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use time command, 0 - all
    Price = 100000		; Cost usage
    MaxVaults = 10		; Max vaults (limit is 10)
    Syntax = /vault 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    SaveLogs = 1		; Save ban character logs
    Syntax = /banchar 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    SaveLogs = 1		; Save unban character logs
    Syntax = /unbanchar 
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 150		; Minimum level to use evo command
    OnlyForGM = 0		; 1 - Only game masters can use evo command, 0 - all
    Price = 100000		; Cost usage
    Syntax = /evo
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    MinLevel = 50		; Minimum level to use marry command
    Price = 500000		; Cost usage
    Map = 2			; Map number
    HusbandPosX = 13	; Husband X Coordinates
    HusbandPosY = 25	; Husband Y Coordinates
    WifePosX = 13		; Wife X Coordinates
    WifePosY = 26		; Wife Y Coordinates
    AllowOnlineMarry = 1	; Allow marry status
    AllowTraceMarry = 1	; Allow trace marry
    Syntax = /marry 
    AcceptSyntax = /accept
    DivorceSyntax = /divorce
    StatusSyntax = /marrystatus
    TraceSyntax = /tracemarry
    GetMarrySyntax = /getmarry
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    Syntax = /hide_on
    Enable = 0		; 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    Syntax = /hide_off
    ConnectNotice = Bem vindo ao Darkage MU Online 1.00N!                                                                                  
    Enable = 0			; 1 - show gm connect notice, 0 - not show
    DisableGSLogs = 0		; 1 - Disable logs, 0 - Enable logs
    MaxMonsters = 5800		; Max monsters, default 5800
    MaxMonstersCS = 1500		; Max monsters in gs_cs, default 1500
    BkSmElfPointsPerLevel = 5	; Points per level for bk, sm & elf
    MGPointsPerLevel = 7		; Points per level for mg
    DLPointsPerLevel = 7		; Points per level for dl
    MarlonBonus = 1			; Bonus points after marlon quest
    MaxLevel = 400			; Maximum level
    MaxLevelNoExp = 401		; Maximum level no exp
    ExpFormula = 255		; Experience formula, 255 for 400 level, 999 for 1000 level
    FixPartyZenBug = 1		; 1 - Fixed party zen bug, 0 - not fixed
    FixPKBug = 1			; 1 - Max kills 99, 0 - 3
    FixLifePlus28 = 1		; 1 - Max life option +28, 0 - +16
    FixPotionBug = 1		; 1 - Max potions 255, 0 - 3
    FixInvasionMessage = 1		; 1 - Show invasion message, 0 - dont show
    DisableCheckSum = 1		; 1 - Disabled, 0 - Enabled
    DisablePersonalID = 1		; 1 - Not require personal id, 0 - require
    BoxOfKundunDropItemLevel = 0	; Items level dropped from box
    GuildAllianceMinPlayers = 20	; Minimum players to make alliance
    MaxZenInInventory = 2000000000	; Maximum zen in inventory
    AllowExlAncientItems = 0		; Allow excellent items + ancient options
    GMMoveWay = 8			; 8 - /move name map coordinates, 7 - /move map / M menu
    LootingTime = 120			; Items looting time (in seconds)
    ExcellentItemsDropRate = 2000		; Excellent items drop rate (lower = higher)
    ExcellentItemsWithSkillDropRate = 100	; Excellent items with skill drop rate
    ExcellentItemsWithLuckDropRate = 1	; Excellent items with luck drop rate
    NormalItemsWithSkillDropRate = 6	; Normal items with skill drop rate
    NormalItemsWithLuckDropRate = 4		; Normal items with luck drop rate
    EnableDuelInLorencia = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInDungeon = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInDevias = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInNoria = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInLostTower = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInExile = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInStadium = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInAtlans = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInTarkan = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableDuelInIcarus = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // [1] - Event ID (0 - Happy Hour)
    // [2] - Day
    // [3] - Day of Week
    // [4] - Month
    // [5] - Year
    // [6] - Hour
    // [7] - Minutes
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    //     [1]      [2]    [3]     [4]     [5]     [6]     [7]
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    	0	-1	5	-1	-1	00	00
    // Blood Castle Event Reward
    ItemGroup = 12		; Item Group
    ItemIndex = 15		; Item Index
    Level = 0		; Item Level
    Luck = 0		; 1 - have luck, 0 - no luck
    Skill = 0		; 1 - have skill, 0 - no skill
    Add = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    ExcOptions = 0		; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0		; Ancient options
    Count = 1		; Items count
    ItemGroup = 12		; Item Group
    ItemIndex = 15		; Item Index
    Level = 0		; Item Level
    Luck = 0		; 1 - have luck, 0 - no luck
    Skill = 0		; 1 - have skill, 0 - no skill
    Add = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    ExcOptions = 0		; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0		; Ancient options
    Count = 1		; Items count
    ItemGroup = 12		; Item Group
    ItemIndex = 15		; Item Index
    Level = 0		; Item Level
    Luck = 0		; 1 - have luck, 0 - no luck
    Skill = 0		; 1 - have skill, 0 - no skill
    Add = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    ExcOptions = 0		; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0		; Ancient options
    Count = 1		; Items count
    ItemGroup = 12		; Item Group
    ItemIndex = 15		; Item Index
    Level = 0		; Item Level
    Luck = 0		; 1 - have luck, 0 - no luck
    Skill = 0		; 1 - have skill, 0 - no skill
    Add = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    ExcOptions = 0		; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0		; Ancient options
    Count = 1		; Items count
    ItemGroup = 12		; Item Group
    ItemIndex = 15		; Item Index
    Level = 0		; Item Level
    Luck = 0		; 1 - have luck, 0 - no luck
    Skill = 0		; 1 - have skill, 0 - no skill
    Add = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    ExcOptions = 0		; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0		; Ancient options
    Count = 1		; Items count
    ItemGroup = 12		; Item Group
    ItemIndex = 15		; Item Index
    Level = 0		; Item Level
    Luck = 0		; 1 - have luck, 0 - no luck
    Skill = 0		; 1 - have skill, 0 - no skill
    Add = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    ExcOptions = 0		; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0		; Ancient options
    Count = 1		; Items count
    ItemGroup = 12		; Item Group
    ItemIndex = 15		; Item Index
    Level = 0		; Item Level
    Luck = 0		; 1 - have luck, 0 - no luck
    Skill = 0		; 1 - have skill, 0 - no skill
    Add = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    ExcOptions = 0		; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0		; Ancient options
    Count = 1		; Items count
    // Blood Castle Boss
    BloodCastle1Boss = 89		; Blood Castle 1 final boss
    BloodCastle2Boss = 95		; Blood Castle 2 final boss
    BloodCastle3Boss = 112		; Blood Castle 3 final boss
    BloodCastle4Boss = 118		; Blood Castle 4 final boss
    BloodCastle5Boss = 124		; Blood Castle 5 final boss
    BloodCastle6Boss = 130		; Blood Castle 6 final boss
    BloodCastle7Boss = 143		; Blood Castle 7 final boss
    // White Wizard Invasion Reward
    ItemID = 13			; Item ID
    ItemGroup = 14			; Item Group
    Level = 0			; Item Level
    Luck = 0			; 1 - have luck, 0 - dont have
    Skill = 0			; 1 - have skill, 0 - dont have
    Additional = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    Durability = 0			; Durability
    ExlOptions = 0			; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0			; Ancient options
    ItemID = 20			; Item ID
    ItemGroup = 13			; Item Group
    Level = 0			; Item Level
    Luck = 0			; 1 - have luck, 0 - dont have
    Skill = 0			; 1 - have skill, 0 - dont have
    Additional = 0			; Additional dmg 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20, 6-24, 7-28
    Durability = 30			; Durability
    ExlOptions = 0			; Excellent options
    AncOptions = 0			; Ancient options
    // Red Dragon Invasion Reward
    ItemID = 13			; Item ID
    ItemGroup = 14			; Item Group
    ItemID2 = 14			; Item ID
    ItemGroup2 = 14			; Item Group
    // Chaos Castle
    MinPlayersToStart = 1		; Min players to start chaos castle event
    AncientItemsReward = 1		; 1 - Ancient items, 0 - jewels
    DisableMonstersPush = 0 	; 1 - Monsters will not push the players, 0 - monster will push
    // Kalima Boss Reward & Drop Rate
    KundunItemDropCount = 3		; Items count dropped from kundun
    KundunItemDropRate = 2500	; Items drop rate, max - 10000
    Enable = 1			; 1 - Enabled, 0 - disabled
    Duration = 5			; Event duration in minutes
    BonusExp = 100			; Bonus experience during the event
    BonusDrop = 10			; Bonus drop during the event
    Enable = 1
    //GM Name	Day	Month	Year   /gg  /reload /banpost/unbanpost/drop/banchar/unbanchar
    TesTMG		21	12	2012	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
    EnableGuildWarInLorencia = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInDungeon = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInDevias = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInNoria = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInLostTower = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInExile = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInStadium = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInAtlans = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInTarkan = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableGuildWarInIcarus = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    GoldenBudgeDragonID = 43	; Budge Dragon ID
    GoldenBudgeDragonItemID = 11	; Budge Dragon Item ID
    GoldenBudgeDragonItemGroup = 14	; Budge Dragon Item Group
    GoldenBudgeDragonItemLevel = 0	; Budge Dragon Item Level
    GoldenGoblinID = 78		; Golden Goblin ID
    GoldenGoblinItemID = 11		; Golden Goblin Item ID
    GoldenGoblinItemGroup = 14	; Golden Goblin Item Group
    GoldenGoblinItemLevel = 8	; Golden Goblin Item Level
    GoldenTitanID = 53		; Golden Titan ID
    GoldenTitanItemID = 11		; Golden Titan Item ID
    GoldenTitanItemGroup = 14	; Golden Titan Item Group
    GoldenTitanItemLevel = 9	; Golden Titan Item Level
    GoldenDragonID = 79		; Golden Dragon ID
    GoldenDragonItemID = 11		; Golden Dragon Item ID
    GoldenDragonItemGroup = 14	; Golden Dragon Item Group
    GoldenDragonItemLevel = 10	; Golden Dragon Item Level
    GoldenLizardID = 80		; Golden Lizard ID
    GoldenLizardItemID = 11		; Golden Lizard Item ID
    GoldenLizardItemGroup = 14	; Golden Lizard Item Group
    GoldenLizardItemLevel = 11	; Golden Lizard Item Level
    GoldenTantalID = 82		; Golden Tantal ID
    GoldenTantalItemID = 11		; Golden Tantal Item ID
    GoldenTantalItemGroup = 14	; Golden Tantal Item Group
    GoldenTantalItemLevel = 12	; Golden Tantal Item Level
    GoldenGoblinsMap1 = 0 		; Golden Goblin Map 1 / Default Lorencia
    GoldenGoblinsMap2 = 3 		; Golden Goblin Map 2 / Default Noria
    GoldenTitansMap = 2   		; Golden Titan Map / Default Devias
    GoldenDragonsMap1 = 0 		; Golden Dragon Map 1 / Default Lorencia
    GoldenDragonsMap2 = 3 		; Golden Dragon Map 2 / Default Noria
    GoldenDragonsMap3 = 2 		; Golden Dragon Map 3 / Default Devias
    GoldenLizzardsMap = 7 		; Golden Lizzard Map / Default Atlans
    GoldenTantalsMap = 8  		; Golden Tantal Map / Default Tarkan
    // Custom Drop System
    // [1] Item Group
    // [2] Item ID
    // [3] Min Item Level
    // [4] Max Item Level
    // [5] Skill
    // [6] Luck
    // [7] Add
    // [8] Excellent Options
    // [9] Ancient Options
    // [10] Min Monster Level
    // [11] Max Monster Level
    // [12] Drop Map (-1 drop in all maps)
    // [13] Except Map (-1 N/A)
    // [14] Monster ID (-1 drop from all monsters)
    // [15] Drop Rate x/10000
    0 0 0 13 0 1 1 1 0 0 255 -1 -1 -1 10 // test kris
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // [1] MapNumber
    // [2] Map Coords X1
    // [3] Map Coords Y1
    // [4] Map Coords X2
    // [5] Map Coords Y2
    // [6] Map Type (0 - Normal, 1 - Non PvP, 2 - PK Free)
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //     [1]	       [2]		[3]	       [4]		[5]	       [6]
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	4		0		255		0		255		2	// Losttower PK Free
    // Post command messages
    MSG1 = "Post command is disabled."
    MSG2 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG3 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG4 = "Only Game Masters can use post command."
    MSG5 = "Usage: /post message."
    // Add command messages
    MSG6 = "Add command is disabled."
    MSG7 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG8 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG9 = "Only Game Masters can use /add command."
    MSG10 = "You dont have enough points."
    MSG11 = "You cannot add so much points at once."
    MSG12 = "Only Dark Lords & Lord Emperors can add on command."
    MSG13 = "The limit is 32767!"
    MSG14 = "Points added successfully, relog to refresh your stats."
    // Custom trade system messages
    MSG15 = "Trade is not allowed in Lorencia!"
    MSG16 = "Trade is not allowed in Dungeon!"
    MSG17 = "Trade is not allowed in Devias!"
    MSG18 = "Trade is not allowed in Noria!"
    MSG19 = "Trade is not allowed in LostTower!"
    MSG20 = "Trade is not allowed in Exile!"
    MSG21 = "Trade is not allowed in Stadium!"
    MSG22 = "Trade is not allowed in Atlans!"
    MSG23 = "Trade is not allowed in Tarkan!"
    MSG24 = "Trade is not allowed in Icarus!"
    MSG25 = "Trade is not allowed in Valley of Loren!"
    MSG26 = "Trade is not allowed in Land of Trial!"
    // Reset command messages
    MSG27 = "Reset command is disabled."
    MSG28 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG29 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG30 = "Only Game Masters can use /reset command."
    // PK Clear command messages
    MSG31 = "PKClear command is disabled."
    MSG32 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG33 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG34 = "Only Game Masters can use /pkclear command."
    MSG35 = "You dont have any kills."
    MSG36 = "You have been successfully cleared."
    // Online command messages
    MSG37 = "Online command is disabled."
    MSG38 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG39 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG40 = "Only Game Masters can use /online command."
    MSG41 = "Currently there are %d online players."
    // Login help
    MSG42 = "For in-game help, write /help"
    MSG43 = "For in-game GM help, write /gmhelp"
    // Time command messages
    MSG44 = "Time command is disabled."
    MSG45 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG46 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG47 = "Only Game Masters can use /time command."
    MSG48 = "Current time is: %02d:%02d"
    // GG command messages
    MSG49 = "GG command is disabled."
    MSG50 = "Only Game Masters can use /gg command."
    // Reload command messages
    MSG51 = "Reload command is disabled."
    MSG52 = "Only Game Masters can use /reload command."
    // Ban Post command messages
    MSG53 = "BanPost command is disabled."
    MSG54 = "User post has been banned."
    // UnBan Post command messages
    MSG55 = "UnBanPost command is disabled."
    MSG56 = "User post has been unbanned."
    // Skin command messages
    MSG57 = "Skin command is disabled."
    MSG58 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG59 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG60 = "Only Game Masters can use /skin command."
    // Drop command messages
    MSG61 = "Drop command is disabled."
    MSG62 = "Usage: /item type index lvl dur skill luck add exl anc."
    // Vault command messages
    MSG63 = "Vault command is disabled."
    MSG64 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG65 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG66 = "Only Game Masters can use /vault command."
    MSG67 = "Close your vault first."
    MSG68 = "You have opened vault number %d."
    MSG69 = "Usage: /vault 1-10."
    // Ban Character command messages
    MSG70 = "Ban Character command is disabled."
    MSG71 = "Character %s has been banned."
    // UnBan Character command messages
    MSG72 = "UnBan Character command is disabled."
    MSG73 = "Character %s has been unbanned."
    // Evo command messages
    MSG74 = "Evo command is disabled."
    MSG75 = "The required level is %d."
    MSG76 = "You need %ld zen."
    MSG77 = "Only Game Masters can use /evo command."
    MSG78 = "Magic Gladiators doesnt have quests."
    MSG79 = "Dark Lords doesnt have quests."
    MSG80 = "You have already completed the quest."
    // Custom duel system messages
    MSG81 = "Duel is not allowed in Lorencia!"
    MSG82 = "Duel is not allowed in Dungeon!"
    MSG83 = "Duel is not allowed in Devias!"
    MSG84 = "Duel is not allowed in Noria!"
    MSG85 = "Duel is not allowed in LostTower!"
    MSG86 = "Duel is not allowed in Exile!"
    MSG87 = "Duel is not allowed in Stadium!"
    MSG88 = "Duel is not allowed in Atlans!"
    MSG89 = "Duel is not allowed in Tarkan!"
    MSG90 = "Duel is not allowed in Icarus!"
    // Custom guild war system messages
    MSG91 = "Guild War is not allowed in Lorencia!"
    MSG92 = "Guild War is not allowed in Dungeon!"
    MSG93 = "Guild War is not allowed in Devias!"
    MSG94 = "Guild War is not allowed in Noria!"
    MSG95 = "Guild War is not allowed in LostTower!"
    MSG96 = "Guild War is not allowed in Exile!"
    MSG97 = "Guild War is not allowed in Stadium!"
    MSG98 = "Guild War is not allowed in Atlans!"
    MSG99 = "Guild War is not allowed in Tarkan!"
    MSG100 = "Guild War is not allowed in Icarus!"
    // Custom party system messages
    MSG101 = "Party is not allowed in Lorencia!"
    MSG102 = "Party is not allowed in Dungeon!"
    MSG103 = "Party is not allowed in Devias!"
    MSG104 = "Party is not allowed in Noria!"
    MSG105 = "Party is not allowed in LostTower!"
    MSG106 = "Party is not allowed in Exile!"
    MSG107 = "Party is not allowed in Stadium!"
    MSG108 = "Party is not allowed in Atlans!"
    MSG109 = "Party is not allowed in Tarkan!"
    MSG110 = "Party is not allowed in Icarus!"
    MSG111 = "Party is not allowed in Valley of Loren!"
    MSG112 = "Party is not allowed in Land of Trial!"
    // Custom GM system messages
    MSG113 = "[GM System] You are GM till %d.%d.%d."
    // Custom reset system messages
    MSG114 = "[Reset System] You have %d resets."
    // GM login notice
    MSG115 = "%s has logged in."
    ChaosMixPlus10RequiredChaos = 1		; Required Jewels of Chaos count for chaos mix +10
    ChaosMixPlus10RequiredBless = 1		; Required Jewels of Bless count for chaos mix +10
    ChaosMixPlus10RequiredSouls = 1		; Required Jewels of Soul count for chaos mix +10
    ChaosMixPlus11RequiredChaos = 1		; Required Jewels of Chaos count for chaos mix +11
    ChaosMixPlus11RequiredBless = 2		; Required Jewels of Bless count for chaos mix +11
    ChaosMixPlus11RequiredSouls = 2		; Required Jewels of Soul count for chaos mix +11
    ChaosMixPlus12RequiredChaos = 1		; Required Jewels of Chaos count for chaos mix +12
    ChaosMixPlus12RequiredBless = 3		; Required Jewels of Bless count for chaos mix +12
    ChaosMixPlus12RequiredSouls = 3		; Required Jewels of Soul count for chaos mix +12
    ChaosMixPlus13RequiredChaos = 1		; Required Jewels of Chaos count for chaos mix +13
    ChaosMixPlus13RequiredBless = 4		; Required Jewels of Bless count for chaos mix +13
    ChaosMixPlus13RequiredSouls = 4		; Required Jewels of Soul count for chaos mix +13
    Enable = 1
    Sections = 5
    RepeatTime = 30
    News1 = "Você esta jogando Darkage MU "
    News2 = " Acesse agora:"
    News3 = ""
    News1 = "Atenção Iniciante:"
    News2 = "Utilize o Buff da Elf Soldier"
    News3 = "para aumentar sua força!"
    News1 = "O NPC Lahap se enontra"
    News2 = "em Devias nas cordenadas"
    News3 = "191 ~ 18."
    News1 = "As magias de Dark Lord"
    News2 = "são vendidas em Devias 2"
    News3 = "no NPC Thompson Kenel!"
    News1 = "Seja um doador e participe"
    News2 = "dos nossos sorteios mensais!"
    News3 = ""
    PartyLevelGap = 130		; Party level gap
    // Party in normal maps
    PartyExp3 = 150			; 3 players exp %
    PartyExp4 = 170			; 4 players exp %
    PartyExp5 = 190			; 5 players exp %
    SetPartyExp3 = 200		; 3 players set exp %
    SetPartyExp4 = 230		; 4 players set exp %
    SetPartyExp5 = 260		; 5 players set exp %
    // Party in Devil Square
    PartyExp3 = 150			; 3 players exp %
    PartyExp4 = 170			; 4 players exp %
    PartyExp5 = 190			; 5 players exp %
    SetPartyExp3 = 170		; 3 players set exp %
    SetPartyExp4 = 190		; 4 players set exp %
    SetPartyExp5 = 220		; 5 players set exp %
    EnablePartyInLorencia = 1	; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInDungeon = 1	; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInDevias = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInNoria = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInLostTower = 1	; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInExile = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInStadium = 1	; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInAtlans = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInTarkan = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInIcarus = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInValleyOfLoren = 1	; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnablePartyInLandOfTrial = 1	; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    AppleRegeneration = 10		; Apple hp regeneration %
    SmallPotionRegeneration = 20	; Small hp potion regeneration %
    MediumPotionRegeneration = 30	; Medium hp potion regeneration %
    LargePotionRegeneration = 40	; Large hp potion regeneration %
    SmallPotionRegeneration = 20	; Small mana potion regeneration %
    MediumPotionRegeneration = 30	; Medium mana potion regeneration %
    LargePotionRegeneration = 40	; Large mana potion regeneration %
    BlessPrice = 9000000		; Jewel of Bless price
    SoulPrice = 6000000		; Jewel of Soul price
    ChaosPrice = 810000		; Jewel of Chaos price
    LifePrice = 45000000		; Jewel of Life price
    CreationPrice = 36000000	; Jewel of Creation price
    GuardianPrice = 60000000	; Jewel of Guardian price
    BlessPotionPrice = 2100000	; Bless Potion price
    SoulPotionPrice = 1500000	; Soul Potion price
    JewelOfSoulFailRate = 55		; Jewel Of Soul without luck fail rate 0-100%, 100-0%
    JewelOfSoulWithLuckSuccessRate = 70	; Jewel of Soul with luck success rate
    JewelOfLifeFailRate = 50		; Jewel of Life fail rate 0-100%, 100-0%
    ChaosMixPlus10SuccessRate = 50		; Chaos mix + 10 success rate
    ChaosMixPlus11SuccessRate = 45		; Chaos mix + 11 success rate
    ChaosMixPlus12SuccessRate = 45		; Chaos mix + 12 success rate
    ChaosMixPlus13SuccessRate = 45		; Chaos mix + 13 success rate
    ChaosMixLuckAddSuccessRate = 20		; Chaos mix luck add success rate
    ChaosMixMaxSuccessRate = 75		; Maximum success rate
    DarkHorseSuccessRate = 60		; Dark Horse success rate
    DarkHorseMixPrice = 5000000		; Dark Horse mix price
    DarkSpiritSuccessRate = 60		; Dark Spirit success rate
    DarkSpiritMixPrice = 1000000		; Dark Spirit mix price
    DinorantSuccessRate = 70
    1LevelWingsSuccessRate = 100		; 1 level wings success rate
    2LevelWingsSuccessRate = 80		; 2 level wings success rate
    BlessPotionSuccessRate = 100		; Bless Potion success rate
    BlessPotionMixPrice = 100000		; Bless Potion mix price
    SoulPotionSuccessRate = 100		; Soul Potion success rate
    SoulPotionMixPrice = 50000		; Soul Potion mix price
    LifeStoneSuccessRate = 100		; Life Stone success rate
    LifeStoneMixPrice = 5000000		; Life Stone mix price
    JewelOfBlessCount = 3			; Required Jewel Of Bless Count
    JewelOfSoulCount = 3			; Required Jewel Of Soul Count
    JewelOfGuardianCount = 30		; Required Jewel Of Guardian Count
    SuccessRate = 100			; Mix Success Rate
    MixPrice = 1000000000			; Mix Price
    MaxMixesPerDay = -1			; 0 - 1, -1 - 2, -2 - 3, -3 - 4, -4 - 5
    BudgeDragon = 2		; Budge Dragon transformation ring
    Giant = 7		; Giant transformation ring
    Skeleton = 14		; Skeleton transformation ring
    PoisonBull = 8		; Poison Bull transformation ring
    ThunderLich = 9		; Thunder Lich transformation ring
    DeathCow = 41		; Death Cow transformation ring
    AgilityPercent = 1000 			; % per agility
    EnergyPercent = 1000			; % per energy
    Time = 60
    MaximumPercentage = 50			; 0 - 100
    AgilityPercent = 100			; % per agility
    EnergyPercent = 20			; % per energy
    DefenseDuration = 60			; Defense duration
    DamageDuration = 60			; Damage duration
    TwistingSlash = 80			; Twisting Slash min use level
    RagefulBlow = 170			; Rageful Blow min use level
    DeathStab = 160				; Death Stab min use level
    Impale = 28				; Impale min use level
    GreaterFortitude = 120			; Greater Fortitude min use level
    Penetration = 130			; Penetration min use level
    DecreaseElfArrows = 1			; 1 - Decrease elf arrows, 0 - not decrease
    EnableCastleSiegeSkillsInAllMaps = 0	; 1 Enable castle siege skills in all maps, 0 - only during the castle siege event
    EnableTradeInLorencia = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInDungeon = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInDevias = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInNoria = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInLostTower = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInExile = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInStadium = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInAtlans = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInTarkan = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInIcarus = 1			; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInValleyOfLoren = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled
    EnableTradeInLandOfTrial = 1		; 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled

    Download MU Server aqui: [Somente usuários registrados podem vem os links. ]

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    Última edição por [ADM]Lp; 30-05-2015 às 11:30 AM.

  9. Os Seguintes 2 Usuários Agradeceram você [ADM]Lp Por este Post Útil:

  10. #19

    Avatar de [ADM]Lp
    Data de Ingresso
    Sep 2011
    Peso da Avaliação


    Novas informações adicionadas. Um Preview que pode ser configurado pelas .ini

  11. #20

    Avatar de Reck
    Data de Ingresso
    Sep 2013
    Peso da Avaliação


    Atualmente muonline está muito parado, e eu venho levando em conta que a versão 99z a pesar de ser uma versão excelente que é muito boa para upar, x1, entre outros,toda via, eu te recomendo comprar um muserver com algum programador que tenha crédito na praça, pois hoje, é impossível você encontrar um 99z que não seja só bug puro.
    “Faça o melhor que puder. Seja o melhor que puder. O resultado virá na mesma proporção de seu esforço.”


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