Olá galera, um amigo meu Usa um Site para world of Warcraft !
Que está com um BUG meio Chato.
Ao player se Cadastrar o site tem que enviar um e-mail de Ativação para que o Player Possa Ativar a conta, Assim evitar que fiquem usando o mesmo e-mail em muitas contas !
Então acho que esta com Algum BUG no Envio de Email ! Estava querendo Concertar, mais meu conhecimento é Muito Leigo !
Alguém poderia me Ajudar nesse Script ? Ficaria muito Grato !
//===== MAIL FUNCTIONS =====//

// Send Mail
function send_email($goingto, $toname, $sbj, $messg) 
	global $Config;
	define('DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS', true); // display XPM4 errors
	$core_em = $Config->get('site_email');
	// If email type "0" (SMTP)
	if($Config->get('email_type') == 0) 
		require_once 'core/mail/SMTP.php'; // path to 'SMTP.php' file from XPM4 package

		$f = ''.$core_em.''; // from mail address
		$t = ''.$goingto.''; // to mail address

		// standard mail message RFC2822
		$m = 'From: '.$f."\r\n".
			'To: '.$t."\r\n".
			'Subject: '.$sbj."\r\n".
			'Content-Type: text/plain'."\r\n\r\n".

		$h = explode('@', $t); // get client hostname
		$c = SMTP::MXconnect($h[1]); // connect to SMTP server (direct) from MX hosts list
		$s = SMTP::Send($c, array($t), $m, $f); // send mail
		// print result
		if ($s) output_message('success', 'Mail Sent!');
		else output_message('error', print_r($_RESULT));
		SMTP::Disconnect($c); // disconnect
	elseif($Config->get('email_type') == 1) 	// If email type "1" (MIME)
		require_once 'core/mail/MIME.php'; // path to 'MIME.php' file from XPM4 package

		// compose message in MIME format
		$mess = MIME::compose($messg);
		// send mail
		$send = mail($goingto, $sbj, $mess['content'], 'From: '.$core_em.''."\n".$mess['header']);
		// print result
		echo $send ? output_message('success', 'Mail Sent!') : output_message('error', 'Error!');
	elseif($Config->get('email_type') == 2)	// If email type "2" (MTA Relay)
		require_once 'core/mail/MAIL.php'; // path to 'MAIL.php' file from XPM4 package

		$m = new MAIL; // initialize MAIL class
		$m->From($core_em); // set from address
		$m->AddTo($goingto); // add to address
		$m->Subject($sbj); // set subject 
		$m->Html($messg); // set html message

		// connect to MTA server 'smtp.hostname.net' port '25' with authentication: 'username'/'password'
		if($Config->get('email_use_secure') == 1) 
			$c = $m->Connect($Config->get('email_smtp_host'), $Config->get('email_smtp_port'), $Config->get('email_smtp_user'), $Config->get('email_smtp_pass'), $Config->get('email_smtp_secure')) 
				or die(print_r($m->Result));
			$c = $m->Connect($Config->get('email_smtp_host'), $Config->get('email_smtp_port'), $Config->get('email_smtp_user'), $Config->get('email_smtp_pass')) 
				or die(print_r($m->Result));

		// send mail relay using the '$c' resource connection
		echo $m->Send($c) ? output_message('success', 'Mail Sent!') : output_message('error', 'Error! Please check your config and make sure you inserted your MTA info correctly.');

		$m->Disconnect(); // disconnect from server
		// print_r($m->History); // optional, for debugging
Outra parte do Código

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  XPertMailer is a PHP Mail Class that can send and read messages in MIME format.        *
 *  This file is part of the XPertMailer package (http://xpertmailer.sourceforge.net/)     *
 *  Copyright (C) 2007 Tanase Laurentiu Iulian                                             *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the      *
 *  terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *
 *  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY        *
 *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A        *
 *  PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.        *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with    *
 *  this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, *
 *  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA                                                *
 *                                                                                         *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

if (!class_exists('SMTP5')) require_once 'SMTP5.php';

class MAIL5 {

	public $From = null;
	public $To = array();
	public $Cc = array();
	public $Bcc = array();

	public $Subject = null;
	public $Text = null;
	public $Html = null;
	public $Header = array();
	public $Attach = array();

	public $Host = null;
	public $Port = null;
	public $User = null;
	public $Pass = null;
	public $Vssl = null;
	public $Tout = null;
	public $Auth = null;

	public $Name = null;
	public $Path = null;
	public $Priority = null;

	public $Context = null;

	public $SendMail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
	public $QMail = '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail';

	private $_conns = array();
	public $History = array();
	public $Result = null;

	public function __construct() {
		$this->_result(array(0 => 'initialize class'));

	private function _result($data = array(), $ret = null) {
		$this->History[][strval(microtime(true))] = $data;
		$this->Result = $data;
		return $ret;

	public function context($arr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if (!is_array($arr)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid context type');
		else if (!is_resource($res = stream_context_create($arr))) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid context value');
		else {
			$this->Context = $res;
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set context connection'), true);

	public function name($host = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if (!is_string($host)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid hostname type');
		else {
			$host = strtolower(trim($host));
			if (!($host != '' && ($host == 'localhost' || FUNC5::is_ipv4($host) || FUNC5::is_hostname($host, true, $debug)))) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid hostname value');
			$this->Name = $host;
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set HELO/EHLO hostname'), true);

	public function path($addr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if (!is_string($addr)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid address type');
		else {
			if (!($addr != '' && FUNC5::is_mail($addr))) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid address value');
			$this->Path = $addr;
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set Return-Path address'), true);

	public function priority($level = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($level == null) {
			$this->Priority = null;
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'unset priority'), true);
		} else if (is_int($level) || is_string($level)) {
			if (is_string($level)) $level = strtolower(trim(FUNC5::str_clear($level)));
			if ($level == 1 || $level == 3 || $level == 5 || $level == 'high' || $level == 'normal' || $level == 'low') {
				$this->Priority = $level;
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set priority'), true);
			} else FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid level value');
		} else FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid level type');

	public function from($addr = null, $name = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!is_string($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid address type';
		else if (!FUNC5::is_mail($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid address value';
		if ($name != null) {
			if (!is_string($name)) $err[] = 'invalid name type';
			else {
				$name = trim(FUNC5::str_clear($name));
				if ($name == '') $err[] = 'invalid name value';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding != null) {
			if (!is_string($encoding)) $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
			else {
				$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
				if (!isset(MIME5::$hencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$this->From = array('address' => $addr, 'name' => $name, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding);
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set From address'), true);

	public function addto($addr = null, $name = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!is_string($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid address type';
		else if (!FUNC5::is_mail($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid address value';
		if ($name != null) {
			if (!is_string($name)) $err[] = 'invalid name type';
			else {
				$name = trim(FUNC5::str_clear($name));
				if ($name == '') $err[] = 'invalid name value';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding != null) {
			if (!is_string($encoding)) $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
			else {
				$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
				if (!isset(MIME5::$hencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$find = false;
			if (count($this->To) > 0) {
				$ladr = strtolower($addr);
				foreach ($this->To as $to) {
					if ($ladr == strtolower($to['address'])) {
						FUNC5::trace($debug, 'duplicate To address "'.$addr.'"', 1);
						$find = true;
			if ($find) return false;
			else {
				$this->To[] = array('address' => $addr, 'name' => $name, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding);
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'add To address'), true);

	public function delto($addr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($addr == null) {
			$this->To = array();
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete all To addresses'), true);
		} else if (!(is_string($addr) && FUNC5::is_mail($addr))) {
			FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid address value');
		} else {
			$ret = false;
			$new = array();
			if (count($this->To) > 0) {
				$addr = strtolower($addr);
				foreach ($this->To as $to) {
					if ($addr == strtolower($to['address'])) $ret = true;
					else $new[] = $to;
			if ($ret) {
				$this->To = $new;
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete To address'), true);
			} else return FUNC5::trace($debug, 'To address "'.$addr.'" not found', 1);

	public function addcc($addr = null, $name = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!is_string($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid address type';
		else if (!FUNC5::is_mail($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid address value';
		if ($name != null) {
			if (!is_string($name)) $err[] = 'invalid name type';
			else {
				$name = trim(FUNC5::str_clear($name));
				if ($name == '') $err[] = 'invalid name value';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding != null) {
			if (!is_string($encoding)) $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
			else {
				$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
				if (!isset(MIME5::$hencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$find = false;
			if (count($this->Cc) > 0) {
				$ladr = strtolower($addr);
				foreach ($this->Cc as $cc) {
					if ($ladr == strtolower($cc['address'])) {
						FUNC5::trace($debug, 'duplicate Cc address "'.$addr.'"', 1);
						$find = true;
			if ($find) return false;
			else {
				$this->Cc[] = array('address' => $addr, 'name' => $name, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding);
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'add Cc address'), true);

	public function delcc($addr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($addr == null) {
			$this->Cc = array();
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete all Cc addresses'), true);
		} else if (!(is_string($addr) && FUNC5::is_mail($addr))) {
			FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid address value');
		} else {
			$ret = false;
			$new = array();
			if (count($this->Cc) > 0) {
				$addr = strtolower($addr);
				foreach ($this->Cc as $cc) {
					if ($addr == strtolower($cc['address'])) $ret = true;
					else $new[] = $cc;
			if ($ret) {
				$this->Cc = $new;
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete Cc address'), true);
			} else return FUNC5::trace($debug, 'Cc address "'.$addr.'" not found', 1);

	public function addbcc($addr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if (!is_string($addr)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid address type');
		else if (!FUNC5::is_mail($addr)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid address value');
		$find = false;
		if (count($this->Bcc) > 0) {
			$ladr = strtolower($addr);
			foreach ($this->Bcc as $bcc) {
				if ($ladr == strtolower($bcc)) {
					FUNC5::trace($debug, 'duplicate Bcc address "'.$addr.'"', 1);
					$find = true;
		if ($find) return false;
		else {
			$this->Bcc[] = $addr;
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'add Bcc address'), true);

	public function delbcc($addr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($addr == null) {
			$this->Bcc = array();
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete all Bcc addresses'), true);
		} else if (!(is_string($addr) && FUNC5::is_mail($addr))) {
			FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid address value');
		} else {
			$ret = false;
			$new = array();
			if (count($this->Bcc) > 0) {
				$addr = strtolower($addr);
				foreach ($this->Bcc as $bcc) {
					if ($addr == strtolower($bcc)) $ret = true;
					else $new[] = $bcc;
			if ($ret) {
				$this->Bcc = $new;
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete Bcc address'), true);
			} else return FUNC5::trace($debug, 'Bcc address "'.$addr.'" not found', 1);

	public function addheader($name = null, $value = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!is_string($name)) $err[] = 'invalid name type';
		else {
			$name = ucfirst(trim(FUNC5::str_clear($name)));
			if (!(strlen($name) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($name, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid name value';
		if (!is_string($value)) $err[] = 'invalid content type';
		else {
			$value = trim(FUNC5::str_clear($value));
			if ($value == '') $err[] = 'invalid content value';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding != null) {
			if (!is_string($encoding)) $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
			else {
				$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
				if (!isset(MIME5::$hencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ver = strtolower($name);
			$err = false;
			if ($ver == 'to') $err = 'can not set "To", for this, use function "AddTo()"';
			else if ($ver == 'cc') $err = 'can not set "Cc", for this, use function "AddCc()"';
			else if ($ver == 'bcc') $err = 'can not set "Bcc", for this, use function "AddBcc()"';
			else if ($ver == 'from') $err = 'can not set "From", for this, use function "From()"';
			else if ($ver == 'subject') $err = 'can not set "Subject", for this, use function "Subject()"';
			else if ($ver == 'x-priority') $err = 'can not set "X-Priority", for this, use function "Priority()"';
			else if ($ver == 'x-msmail-priority') $err = 'can not set "X-MSMail-Priority", for this, use function "Priority()"';
			else if ($ver == 'x-mimeole') $err = 'can not set "X-MimeOLE", for this, use function "Priority()"';
			else if ($ver == 'date') $err = 'can not set "Date", this value is automaticaly set';
			else if ($ver == 'content-type') $err = 'can not set "Content-Type", this value is automaticaly set';
			else if ($ver == 'content-transfer-encoding') $err = 'can not set "Content-Transfer-Encoding", this value is automaticaly set';
			else if ($ver == 'content-disposition') $err = 'can not set "Content-Disposition", this value is automaticaly set';
			else if ($ver == 'mime-version') $err = 'can not set "Mime-Version", this value is automaticaly set';
			else if ($ver == 'x-mailer') $err = 'can not set "X-Mailer", this value is automaticaly set';
			else if ($ver == 'message-id') $err = 'can not set "Message-ID", this value is automaticaly set';
			if ($err) FUNC5::trace($debug, $err);
			else {
				$this->Header[] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding);
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'add header'), true);

	public function delheader($name = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($name == null) {
			$this->Header = array();
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete all headers'), true);
		} else if (!(is_string($name) && strlen($name) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($name, true, '-'))) {
			FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid name value');
		} else {
			$ret = false;
			$new = array();
			if (count($this->Header) > 0) {
				$name = strtolower($name);
				foreach ($this->Header as $header) {
					if ($name == strtolower($header['name'])) $ret = true;
					else $new[] = $header;
			if ($ret) {
				$this->Header = $new;
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete header'), true);
			} else return FUNC5::trace($debug, 'header not found', 1);

	public function subject($content = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!is_string($content)) $err[] = 'invalid content type';
		else {
			$content = trim(FUNC5::str_clear($content));
			if ($content == '') $err[] = 'invalid content value';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding != null) {
			if (!is_string($encoding)) $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
			else {
				$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
				if (!isset(MIME5::$hencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$this->Subject = array('content' => $content, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding);
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set subject'), true);

	public function text($content = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!(is_string($content) && $content != '')) $err[] = 'invalid content type';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding != null) {
			if (!is_string($encoding)) $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
			else {
				$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
				if (!isset(MIME5::$mencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$this->Text = array('content' => $content, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding);
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set text version'), true);

	public function html($content = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!(is_string($content) && $content != '')) $err[] = 'invalid content type';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding != null) {
			if (!is_string($encoding)) $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
			else {
				$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
				if (!isset(MIME5::$mencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$this->Html = array('content' => $content, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding);
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'set html version'), true);

	public function attach($content = null, $type = null, $name = null, $charset = null, $encoding = null, $disposition = null, $id = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!(is_string($content) && $content != '')) $err[] = 'invalid content type';
		if ($type != null) {
			if (!is_string($type)) $err[] = 'invalid type value';
			else {
				$type = trim(FUNC5::str_clear($type));
				if (strlen($type) < 4) $err[] = 'invalid type value';
		if ($name != null) {
			if (!is_string($name)) $err[] = 'invalid name type';
			else {
				$name = trim(FUNC5::str_clear($name));
				if ($name == '') $err[] = 'invalid name value';
		if ($charset != null) {
			if (!is_string($charset)) $err[] = 'invalid charset type';
			else if (!(strlen($charset) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($charset, true, '-'))) $err[] = 'invalid charset value';
		if ($encoding == null) $encoding = 'base64';
		else if (is_string($encoding)) {
			$encoding = strtolower($encoding);
			if (!isset(MIME5::$mencarr[$encoding])) $err[] = 'invalid encoding value';
		} else $err[] = 'invalid encoding type';
		if ($disposition == null) $disposition = 'attachment';
		else if (is_string($disposition)) {
			$disposition = strtolower(FUNC5::str_clear($disposition));
			if (!($disposition == 'inline' || $disposition == 'attachment')) $err[] = 'invalid disposition value';
		} else $err[] = 'invalid disposition type';
		if ($id != null) {
			if (!is_string($id)) $err[] = 'invalid id type';
			else {
				$id = FUNC5::str_clear($id, array(' '));
				if ($id == '') $err[] = 'invalid id value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$this->Attach[] = array('content' => $content, 'type' => $type, 'name' => $name, 'charset' => $charset, 'encoding' => $encoding, 'disposition' => $disposition, 'id' => $id);
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'add attachment'), true);

	public function delattach($name = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($name == null) {
			$this->Attach = array();
			return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete all attachments'), true);
		} else if (!(is_string($name) && strlen($name) > 1)) {
			FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid name value');
		} else {
			$ret = false;
			$new = array();
			if (count($this->Attach) > 0) {
				$name = strtolower($name);
				foreach ($this->Attach as $att) {
					if ($name == strtolower($att['name'])) $ret = true;
					else $new[] = $att;
			if ($ret) {
				$this->Attach = $new;
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'delete attachment'), true);
			} else return FUNC5::trace($debug, 'attachment not found', 1);

	public function connect($host = null, $port = null, $user = null, $pass = null, $vssl = null, $tout = null, $name = null, $context = null, $auth = null, $debug = null) {
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = array();
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($host == null) $host = $this->Host;
		if ($port == null) $port = $this->Port;
		if ($user == null) $user = $this->User;
		if ($pass == null) $pass = $this->Pass;
		if ($vssl == null) $vssl = $this->Vssl;
		if ($tout == null) $tout = $this->Tout;
		if ($name == null) $name = $this->Name;
		if ($context == null) $context = $this->Context;
		if ($auth == null) $auth = $this->Auth;
		if ($ret = SMTP5::connect($host, $port, $user, $pass, $vssl, $tout, $name, $context, $auth, $debug)) $this->_conns[] = $ret;
		return $this->_result($_RESULT, $ret);

	public function disconnect($resc = null, $debug = null) {
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = array();
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if ($resc != null) {
			if (count($this->_conns) > 0) {
				$new = array();
				foreach ($this->_conns as $cres) {
					if ($cres != $resc) $new[] = $cres;
				$this->_conns = $new;
			$disc = SMTP5::disconnect($resc, $debug);
			return $this->_result($_RESULT, $disc);
		} else {
			$rarr = array();
			$disc = true;
			if (count($this->_conns) > 0) {
				foreach ($this->_conns as $cres) {
					if (!SMTP5::disconnect($cres, $debug)) $disc = false;
					$rarr[] = $_RESULT;
			return $this->_result($rarr, $disc);

	public function send($resc = null, $debug = null) {
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if (is_resource($resc)) $delivery = 'relay';
		else {
			if ($resc == null) $resc = 'local';
			if (!is_string($resc)) $err[] = 'invalid connection type';
			else {
				$resc = strtolower(trim($resc));
				if ($resc == 'local' || $resc == 'client' || $resc == 'sendmail' || $resc == 'qmail') $delivery = $resc;
				else $err[] = 'invalid connection value';
		if (count($this->To) == 0) $err[] = 'to mail address is not set';
		if (!isset($this->Subject['content'])) $err[] = 'mail subject is not set';
		if (!(isset($this->Text['content']) || isset($this->Html['content']))) $err[] = 'mail message is not set';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$header['local'] = $header['client'] = array();
			$body = '';
			$from = null;
			if (isset($this->From['address']) && is_string($this->From['address'])) {
				$from = $this->From['address'];
				$hv = 'From: ';
				if (isset($this->From['name']) && trim($this->From['name']) != '') {
					$hn = MIME5::encode_header($this->From['name'], 
						isset($this->From['charset']) ? $this->From['charset'] : null, 
						isset($this->From['encoding']) ? $this->From['encoding'] : null, 
						null, null, $debug);
					if ($hn == $this->From['name']) $hn = '"'.str_replace('"', '\\"', $this->From['name']).'"';
					$hv .= $hn.' <'.$this->From['address'].'>';
				} else $hv .= $this->From['address'];
				$header['local'][] = $hv;
				$header['client'][] = $hv;
			$addrs = $arr = array();
			foreach ($this->To as $to) {
				if (isset($to['address']) && FUNC5::is_mail($to['address'], false, $debug)) {
					$addrs[] = $to['address'];
					if (isset($to['name']) && trim($to['name']) != '') {
						$hn = MIME5::encode_header($to['name'], 
							isset($to['charset']) ? $to['charset'] : null, 
							isset($to['encoding']) ? $to['encoding'] : null, 
							null, null, $debug);
						if ($hn == $to['name']) $hn = '"'.str_replace('"', '\\"', $to['name']).'"';
						$arr[] = $hn.' <'.$to['address'].'>';
					} else $arr[] = $to['address'];
			if (count($arr) > 0) {
				$to = implode(', ', $arr);
				$header['client'][] = 'To: '.implode(', '.MIME5::LE."\t", $arr);
			} else FUNC5::trace($debug, 'to mail address is not set');
			if (count($this->Cc) > 0) {
				$arr = array();
				foreach ($this->Cc as $cc) {
					if (isset($cc['address']) && FUNC5::is_mail($cc['address'], false, $debug)) {
						$addrs[] = $cc['address'];
						if (isset($cc['name']) && trim($cc['name']) != '') {
							$hn = MIME5::encode_header($cc['name'], 
								isset($cc['charset']) ? $cc['charset'] : null, 
								isset($cc['encoding']) ? $cc['encoding'] : null, 
								null, null, $debug);
							if ($hn == $cc['name']) $hn = '"'.str_replace('"', '\\"', $cc['name']).'"';
							$arr[] = $hn.' <'.$cc['address'].'>';
						} else $arr[] = $cc['address'];
				if (count($arr) > 0) {
					$header['local'][] = 'Cc: '.implode(', ', $arr);
					$header['client'][] = 'Cc: '.implode(', '.MIME5::LE."\t", $arr);
			$hbcc = '';
			if (count($this->Bcc) > 0) {
				$arr = array();
				foreach ($this->Bcc as $bcc) {
					if (FUNC5::is_mail($bcc, false, $debug)) {
						$arr[] = $bcc;
						$addrs[] = $bcc;
				if (count($arr) > 0) {
					$header['local'][] = 'Bcc: '.implode(', ', $arr);
					$hbcc = MIME5::LE.'Bcc: '.implode(', ', $arr);
			$hn = MIME5::encode_header($this->Subject['content'], 
				isset($this->Subject['charset']) ? $this->Subject['charset'] : null, 
				isset($this->Subject['encoding']) ? $this->Subject['encoding'] : null, 
				null, null, $debug);
			$subject = $hn;
			$header['client'][] = 'Subject: '.$hn;
			if (is_int($this->Priority) || is_string($this->Priority)) {
				$arr = false;
				if ($this->Priority == 1 || $this->Priority == 'high') $arr = array(1, 'high');
				else if ($this->Priority == 3 || $this->Priority == 'normal') $arr = array(3, 'normal');
				else if ($this->Priority == 5 || $this->Priority == 'low') $arr = array(5, 'low');
				if ($arr) {
					$header['local'][] = 'X-Priority: '.$arr[0];
					$header['local'][] = 'X-MSMail-Priority: '.$arr[1];
					$header['local'][] = 'X-MimeOLE: Produced By XPertMailer v.4 MIME Class'; // << required by SpamAssassin in conjunction with "X-MSMail-Priority"
					$header['client'][] = 'X-Priority: '.$arr[0];
					$header['client'][] = 'X-MSMail-Priority: '.$arr[1];
					$header['client'][] = 'X-MimeOLE: Produced By XPertMailer v.4 MIME Class';
			$header['client'][] = 'Message-ID: <'.MIME5::unique().'@xpertmailer.com>';
			if (count($this->Header) > 0) {
				foreach ($this->Header as $harr) {
					if (isset($harr['name'], $harr['value']) && strlen($harr['name']) >= 2 && FUNC5::is_alpha($harr['name'], true, '-')) {
						$hn = MIME5::encode_header($harr['value'], 
							isset($harr['charset']) ? $harr['charset'] : null, 
							isset($harr['encoding']) ? $harr['encoding'] : null, 
							null, null, $debug);
						$header['local'][] = ucfirst($harr['name']).': '.$hn;
						$header['client'][] = ucfirst($harr['name']).': '.$hn;
			$text = $html = $att = null;
			if (isset($this->Text['content'])) {
				$text = MIME5::message($this->Text['content'], 'text/plain', null, 
					isset($this->Text['charset']) ? $this->Text['charset'] : null, 
					isset($this->Text['encoding']) ? $this->Text['encoding'] : null, 
					null, null, null, null, $debug);
			if (isset($this->Html['content'])) {
				$html = MIME5::message($this->Html['content'], 'text/html', null, 
					isset($this->Html['charset']) ? $this->Html['charset'] : null, 
					isset($this->Html['encoding']) ? $this->Html['encoding'] : null, 
					null, null, null, null, $debug);
			if (count($this->Attach) > 0) {
				$att = array();
				foreach ($this->Attach as $attach) {
					if (isset($attach['content'])) {
						$att[] = MIME5::message($attach['content'], 
							isset($attach['type']) ? $attach['type'] : null, 
							isset($attach['name']) ? $attach['name'] : null, 
							isset($attach['charset']) ? $attach['charset'] : null, 
							isset($attach['encoding']) ? $attach['encoding'] : null, 
							isset($attach['disposition']) ? $attach['disposition'] : null, 
							isset($attach['id']) ? $attach['id'] : null, 
							null, null, $debug);
				if (count($att) == 0) $att = null;
			$arr = MIME5::compose($text, $html, $att);
			if ($delivery == 'relay') {
				$res = SMTP5::send($resc, $addrs, implode(MIME5::LE, $header['client']).MIME5::LE.$arr['header'].MIME5::LE.MIME5::LE.$arr['content'], (($this->Path != null) ? $this->Path : $from), $debug);
				return $this->_result($_RESULT, $res);
			} else if ($delivery == 'local') {
				$rpath = (!FUNC5::is_win() && $this->Path != null) ? '-f '.$this->Path : null;
				$spath = ($this->Path != null) ? @ini_set('sendmail_from', $this->Path) : false;
				if (!FUNC5::is_win()) $arr['content'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $arr['content']);
				$res = mail($to, $subject, $arr['content'], implode(MIME5::LE, $header['local']).MIME5::LE.$arr['header'], $rpath);
				if ($spath) @ini_restore('sendmail_from');
				return $this->_result(array(0 => 'send mail local'), $res);
			} else if ($delivery == 'client') {
				$group = array();
				foreach ($addrs as $addr) {
					$exp = explode('@', $addr);
					$group[strtolower($exp[1])][] = $addr;
				$ret = true;
				$reg = (count($group) == 1);
				foreach ($group as $domain => $arrs) {
					$con = SMTP5::mxconnect($domain, $this->Port, $this->Tout, $this->Name, $this->Context, $debug);
					if ($reg) $this->_result(array($domain => $_RESULT));
					if ($con) {
						if (!SMTP5::send($con, $arrs, implode(MIME5::LE, $header['client']).MIME5::LE.$arr['header'].MIME5::LE.MIME5::LE.$arr['content'], (($this->Path != null) ? $this->Path : $from), $debug)) $ret = false;
						if ($reg) $this->_result(array($domain => $_RESULT));
						SMTP5::disconnect($con, $debug);
					} else $ret = false;
				if (!$reg) $this->_result(array(0 => 'send mail client'));
				return $ret;
			} else if ($delivery == 'sendmail' || $delivery == 'qmail') {
				$ret = false;
				$comm = (($delivery == 'sendmail') ? $this->SendMail : $this->QMail).' -oi'.(($this->Path != null) ? ' -f '.$this->Path : '').' -t';
				if ($con = popen($comm, 'w')) {
					if (fputs($con, implode(MIME5::LE, $header['client']).$hbcc.MIME5::LE.$arr['header'].MIME5::LE.MIME5::LE.$arr['content'])) {
						$res = pclose($con) >> 8 & 0xFF;
						if ($res == 0) {
							$ret = true;
							$this->_result(array(0 => 'send mail using "'.ucfirst($delivery).'" program'));
						} else $this->_result(array(0 => $res));
					} else $this->_result(array(0 => 'can not write'));
				} else $this->_result(array(0 => 'can not write line command'));
				return $ret;


Última parte do Código !

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  XPertMailer is a PHP Mail Class that can send and read messages in MIME format.        *
 *  This file is part of the XPertMailer package (http://xpertmailer.sourceforge.net/)     *
 *  Copyright (C) 2007 Tanase Laurentiu Iulian                                             *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the      *
 *  terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *
 *  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY        *
 *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A        *
 *  PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.        *
 *                                                                                         *
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with    *
 *  this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, *
 *  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA                                                *
 *                                                                                         *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

if (!class_exists('MIME5')) require_once 'MIME5.php';

$_RESULT = array();

class SMTP5 {

	const CRLF = "\r\n";
	const PORT = 25;
	const TOUT = 30;
	const COUT = 5;
	const BLEN = 1024;

	static private function _cres($conn = null, &$resp, $code1 = null, $code2 = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		$err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!(is_int($code1) && $code1 > 99 && $code1 < 1000)) $err[] = 'invalid 1 code value';
		if ($code2 != null) {
			if (!(is_int($code2) && $code2 > 99 && $code2 < 1000)) $err[] = 'invalid 2 code value';
		if (count($err) > 0) return FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err), 1);
		else {
			$ret = true;
			do {
				if ($result = fgets($conn, self::BLEN)) {
					$resp[] = $result;
					$rescode = substr($result, 0, 3);
					if (!($rescode == $code1 || $rescode == $code2)) {
						$ret = false;
				} else {
					$resp[] = 'can not read';
					$ret = false;
			} while ($result[3] == '-');
			return $ret;

	static public function mxconnect($host = null, $port = null, $tout = null, $name = null, $context = null, $debug = null) {
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = array();
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		if (!is_string($host)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid host type');
		else {
			$host = strtolower(trim($host));
			if (!($host != '' && FUNC5::is_hostname($host, true, $debug))) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid host value');
		$res = FUNC5::is_win() ? FUNC5::getmxrr_win($host, $arr, $debug) : getmxrr($host, $arr);
		$con = false;
		if ($res) {
			foreach ($arr as $mx) {
				if ($con = self::connect($mx, $port, null, null, null, $tout, $name, $context, null, $debug)) break;
		if (!$con) $con = self::connect($host, $port, null, null, null, $tout, $name, $context, null, $debug);
		return $con;

	static public function connect($host = null, $port = null, $user = null, $pass = null, $vssl = null, $tout = null, $name = null, $context = null, $login = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if ($port == null) $port = self::PORT;
		if ($tout == null) $tout = self::TOUT;
		if (!is_string($host)) $err[] = 'invalid host type';
		else {
			$host = strtolower(trim($host));
			if (!($host != '' && ($host == 'localhost' || FUNC5::is_ipv4($host) || FUNC5::is_hostname($host, true, $debug)))) $err[] = 'invalid host value';
		if (!(is_int($port) && $port > 0)) $err[] = 'invalid port value';
		if ($user != null) {
			if (!is_string($user)) $err[] = 'invalid username type';
			else if (($user = FUNC5::str_clear($user)) == '') $err[] = 'invalid username value';
		if ($pass != null) {
			if (!is_string($pass)) $err[] = 'invalid password type';
			else if (($pass = FUNC5::str_clear($pass)) == '') $err[] = 'invalid password value';
		if (($user != null && $pass == null) || ($user == null && $pass != null)) $err[] = 'invalid username/password combination';
		if ($vssl != null) {
			if (!is_string($vssl)) $err[] = 'invalid ssl version type';
			else {
				$vssl = strtolower($vssl);
				if (!($vssl == 'tls' || $vssl == 'ssl' || $vssl == 'sslv2' || $vssl == 'sslv3')) $err[] = 'invalid ssl version value';
		if (!(is_int($tout) && $tout > 0)) $err[] = 'invalid timeout value';
		if ($name != null) {
			if (!is_string($name)) $err[] = 'invalid name type';
			else {
				$name = strtolower(trim($name));
				if (!($name != '' && ($name == 'localhost' || FUNC5::is_ipv4($name) || FUNC5::is_hostname($name, true, $debug)))) $err[] = 'invalid name value';
		} else $name = '';
		if ($context != null && !is_resource($context)) $err[] = 'invalid context type';
		if ($login != null) {
			$login = strtolower(trim($login));
			if (!($login == 'login' || $login == 'plain' || $login == 'cram-md5')) $err[] = 'invalid authentication type value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			$prt = ($vssl == null) ? 'tcp' : $vssl;
			$conn = ($context == null) ? stream_socket_client($prt.'://'.$host.':'.$port, $errno, $errstr, $tout) : stream_socket_client($prt.'://'.$host.':'.$port, $errno, $errstr, $tout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
			if (!$conn) $_RESULT[101] = $errstr;
			else if (!stream_set_timeout($conn, self::COUT)) $_RESULT[102] = 'could not set stream timeout';
			else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 220, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[103] = $resp;
			else {
				$continue = true;
				if (!self::ehlo($conn, $name, $debug)) $continue = self::helo($conn, $name, $debug);
				if ($continue) {
					if ($user == null) $ret = true;
					else if ($login != null) $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, $login, $debug);
					else {
						list($code, $arr) = each($_RESULT);
						$auth['default'] = $auth['login'] = $auth['plain'] = $auth['cram-md5'] = false;
						foreach ($arr as $line) {
							if (substr($line, 0, strlen('250-AUTH ')) == '250-AUTH ') {
								foreach (explode(' ', substr($line, strlen('250-AUTH '))) as $type) {
									$type = strtolower(trim($type));
									if ($type == 'login' || $type == 'plain' || $type == 'cram-md5') $auth[$type] = true;
							} else if (substr($line, 0, strlen('250 AUTH=')) == '250 AUTH=') {
								$expl = explode(' ', strtolower(trim(substr($line, strlen('250 AUTH=')))), 2);
								if ($expl[0] == 'login' || $expl[0] == 'plain' || $expl[0] == 'cram-md5') $auth['default'] = $expl[0];
						if ($auth['default']) $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, $auth['default'], $debug);
						if (!$ret && $auth['login'] && $auth['default'] != 'login') $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, 'login', $debug);
						if (!$ret && $auth['plain'] && $auth['default'] != 'plain') $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, 'plain', $debug);
						if (!$ret && $auth['cram-md5'] && $auth['default'] != 'cram-md5') $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, 'cram-md5', $debug);
						if (!$ret && !$auth['login'] && $auth['default'] != 'login') $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, 'login', $debug);
						if (!$ret && !$auth['plain'] && $auth['default'] != 'plain') $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, 'plain', $debug);
						if (!$ret && !$auth['cram-md5'] && $auth['default'] != 'cram-md5') $ret = self::auth($conn, $user, $pass, 'cram-md5', $debug);
			if (!$ret) {
				if (is_resource($conn)) self::disconnect($conn, $debug);
				$conn = false;
			return $conn;

	static public function send($conn = null, $addrs = null, $mess = null, $from = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!is_array($addrs)) $err[] = 'invalid to address type';
		else {
			$aver = true;
			if (count($addrs) > 0) {
				foreach ($addrs as $addr) {
					if (!FUNC5::is_mail($addr)) {
						$aver = false;
			} else $aver = false;
			if (!$aver) $err[] = 'invalid to address value';
		if (!is_string($mess)) $err[] = 'invalid message value';
		if ($from == null) {
			$from = @ini_get('sendmail_from');
			if ($from == '' || !FUNC5::is_mail($from)) $from = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']) && FUNC5::is_mail($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] : 'postmaster@localhost';
		} else {
			if (!is_string($from)) $err[] = 'invalid from address type';
			else if (!($from != '' && FUNC5::is_mail($from))) $err[] = 'invalid from address value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			if (self::from($conn, $from, $debug)) {
				$continue = true;
				foreach ($addrs as $dest) {
					if (!self::to($conn, $dest, $debug)) {
						$continue = false;
				if ($continue) {
					if (self::data($conn, $mess, $debug)) $ret = self::rset($conn, $debug);
			return $ret;

	static public function disconnect($conn = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) return FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid resource connection', 1);
		else {
			if (!fwrite($conn, 'QUIT'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[300] = 'can not write';
			else $_RESULT[301] = 'Send QUIT';
			return @fclose($conn);

	static public function quit($conn = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = array();
		$ret = false;
		if (!is_resource($conn)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid resource connection');
		else if (!fwrite($conn, 'QUIT'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[302] = 'can not write';
		else {
			$_RESULT[303] = ($vget = @fgets($conn, self::BLEN)) ? $vget : 'can not read';
			$ret = true;
		return $ret;

	static public function helo($conn = null, $host = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!is_string($host)) $err[] = 'invalid host type';
		else {
			$host = strtolower(trim($host));
			if (!($host != '' && ($host == 'localhost' || FUNC5::is_ipv4($host) || FUNC5::is_hostname($host, true, $debug)))) $err[] = 'invalid host value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			if (!fwrite($conn, 'HELO '.$host.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[304] = 'can not write';
			else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 250, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[305] = $resp;
			else {
				$_RESULT[306] = $resp;
				$ret = true;
			return $ret;

	static public function ehlo($conn = null, $host = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!is_string($host)) $err[] = 'invalid host type';
		else {
			$host = strtolower(trim($host));
			if (!($host != '' && ($host == 'localhost' || FUNC5::is_ipv4($host) || FUNC5::is_hostname($host, true, $debug)))) $err[] = 'invalid host value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			if (!fwrite($conn, 'EHLO '.$host.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[307] = 'can not write';
			else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 250, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[308] = $resp;
			else {
				$_RESULT[309] = $resp;
				$ret = true;
			return $ret;

	static public function auth($conn = null, $user = null, $pass = null, $type = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!is_string($user)) $err[] = 'invalid username type';
		else if (($user = FUNC5::str_clear($user)) == '') $err[] = 'invalid username value';
		if (!is_string($pass)) $err[] = 'invalid password type';
		else if (($pass = FUNC5::str_clear($pass)) == '') $err[] = 'invalid password value';
		if ($type == null) $type = 'login';
		if (!is_string($type)) $err[] = 'invalid authentication type';
		else {
			$type = strtolower(trim($type));
			if (!($type == 'login' || $type == 'plain' || $type == 'cram-md5')) $err[] = 'invalid authentication type value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			if ($type == 'login') {
				if (!fwrite($conn, 'AUTH LOGIN'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[310] = 'can not write';
				else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 334, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[311] = $resp;
				else if (!fwrite($conn, base64_encode($user).self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[312] = 'can not write';
				else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 334, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[313] = $resp;
				else if (!fwrite($conn, base64_encode($pass).self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[314] = 'can not write';
				else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 235, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[315] = $resp;
				else {
					$_RESULT[316] = $resp;
					$ret = true;
			} else if ($type == 'plain') {
				if (!fwrite($conn, 'AUTH PLAIN '.base64_encode($user.chr(0).$user.chr(0).$pass).self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[317] = 'can not write';
				else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 235, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[318] = $resp;
				else {
					$_RESULT[319] = $resp;
					$ret = true;
			} else if ($type == 'cram-md5') {
				if (!fwrite($conn, 'AUTH CRAM-MD5'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[200] = 'can not write';
				else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 334, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[201] = $resp;
				else {
					if (strlen($pass) > 64) $pass = pack('H32', md5($pass));
					if (strlen($pass) < 64) $pass = str_pad($pass, 64, chr(0));
					$pad1 = substr($pass, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64);
					$pad2 = substr($pass, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5C), 64);
					$chal = substr($resp[count($resp)-1], 4);
					$innr = pack('H32', md5($pad1.base64_decode($chal)));
					if (!fwrite($conn, base64_encode($user.' '.md5($pad2.$innr)).self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[202] = 'can not write';
					else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 235, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[203] = $resp;
					else {
						$_RESULT[204] = $resp;
						$ret = true;
			return $ret;

	static public function from($conn = null, $addr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!is_string($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid from address type';
		else if (!($addr != '' && FUNC5::is_mail($addr))) $err[] = 'invalid from address value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			if (!fwrite($conn, 'MAIL FROM:<'.$addr.'>'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[320] = 'can not write';
			else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 250, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[321] = $resp;
			else {
				$_RESULT[322] = $resp;
				$ret = true;
			return $ret;

	static public function to($conn = null, $addr = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!is_string($addr)) $err[] = 'invalid to address type';
		else if (!($addr != '' && FUNC5::is_mail($addr))) $err[] = 'invalid to address value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			if (!fwrite($conn, 'RCPT TO:<'.$addr.'>'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[323] = 'can not write';
			else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 250, 251, $debug)) $_RESULT[324] = $resp;
			else {
				$_RESULT[325] = $resp;
				$ret = true;
			return $ret;

	static public function data($conn = null, $mess = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = $err = array();
		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
		if (!(is_string($mess) && $mess != '')) $err[] = 'invalid message value';
		if (count($err) > 0) FUNC5::trace($debug, implode(', ', $err));
		else {
			$ret = false;
			if (!fwrite($conn, 'DATA'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[326] = 'can not write';
			else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 354, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[327] = $resp;
			else {
				$continue = true;
				foreach (explode(self::CRLF, $mess) as $line) {
					if ($line != '' && $line[0] == '.') $line = '.'.$line;
					if (!fwrite($conn, $line.self::CRLF)) {
						$_RESULT[328] = 'can not write';
						$continue = false;
				if ($continue) {
					if (!fwrite($conn, '.'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[329] = 'can not write';
					else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 250, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[330] = $resp;
					else {
						$_RESULT[331] = $resp;
						$ret = true;
			return $ret;

	static public function rset($conn = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = array();
		$ret = false;
		if (!is_resource($conn)) FUNC5::trace($debug, 'invalid resource connection');
		else if (!fwrite($conn, 'RSET'.self::CRLF)) $_RESULT[332] = 'can not write';
		else if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, 250, null, $debug)) $_RESULT[333] = $resp;
		else {
			$_RESULT[334] = $resp;
			$ret = true;
		return $ret;

	static public function recv($conn = null, $code1 = null, $code2 = null, $debug = null) {
		if (!FUNC5::is_debug($debug)) $debug = debug_backtrace();
		global $_RESULT;
		$_RESULT = array();
		$ret = false;
		if (!self::_cres($conn, $resp, $code1, $code2, $debug)) $_RESULT[335] = $resp;
		else {
			$_RESULT[336] = $resp;
			$ret = true;
		return $ret;

